TLC New Show - "I can make you Thin"

on 3/3/08 1:38 am - Auburn, CA
I haven't seen the commercial either, but had a great appt with a hypnotherapist about 10 days ago.  My purpose was not "weight loss" but my mental obsession with food.  It was driving me crazy - literally crazy.    I thought about food every waking moment and probably in my sleep too.  I wasn't hungry, just thought about food. Since the 1 hour talk and 50 min session I have thought about food only as necessary.  I don't wake up thinking of food, or go through the day thinking of food, jumping ahead to the next meal as I eat this meal.  So I have to say in that regard it was 100% successful.   I was supposed to listen to her CD 3 times each week, but have not taken the time to do so.  That's like paying the Dr. for advice and then totally ignoring that paid for advice.  So not the most brilliant decision there. My next appt is this week sometime.  She is going to "make some positive suggestions"  in that session so I'll let you all know what the general flavor of that session is.   Her general program for food addiction is 3 sessions at $80 per session.  That's not one of the "highly advertised" programs but a single person office.  I called the advertised program and they want a commitment to as many sessions as they feel is necessary - kind of like signing a blank check - so I searched out this office and am very pleased so far.
Shar in Idaho
High/Low/Current/New Goal
5'9   62 years young
Somedays you're the windshield,    somedays you're the bug.    
Ruth A.
on 3/3/08 4:21 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK
That's really interesting.  Please let us know how you get on at the next session.
.Anita R.
on 3/3/08 2:16 am - Stafford, VA
I'm curious...I'm gonna watch it with an open mind. I don't know that I'm a skeptic or not...but I do know that the mind is a powerful tool and can be swayed with  subtle "suggestion" ...Heck I do this to my husband all the time when I want something I don't want to ask straight out!  I first mention something like..."Wouldn't this bathroom look great with marble?"  Then later..."ooh look at this color marble isn't that rich and inviting?"  "Oh look honey at these cabinets...wouldn't that look great with that marble I showed you a week ago?  Next thing I know he wants to remodel the bathroom!  :::Shrugs:::: I dunno where he got that idea????  hahahaha And the funny thing is...It's "his idea" ...and that's fine with me! I get what I wanted!  I believe it can work...I don't believe it's as simple as getting hubby to let me update the bathroom though.  So I'm gonna check it out anyway... Anita
Betsy C.
on 3/3/08 2:24 am - Efland, NC
Boy Anita, I need to take lessons from you on the power of suggestion.   Betsy

Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.

.Anita R.
on 3/3/08 2:39 am - Stafford, VA
Betsy, I didn't learn it overnight that's for sure! It took 23 years of marriage to figure out and train that man and he's still a work in progress!  I have good techniques though!  ;)  Anita
on 3/4/08 10:09 am - Riverside, CA
I believe in hypnotist.  I used in for exam preparation and it works for me for relaxation.  I just purchased the CD's from Don Mannarino's Think & Lose (Eat Anything, Go Anywhere and still lose weight!)  I am not sure if it works.  I have not tried it yet.  I am waiting for a surgery date.  I may try for the next few days and see want happens.  However, I will set TiVo for the program on 3/7/08.  Thanks for the heads up
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