I've caught the flu!!
I was nursing my oldest daughter, she's 18!, from the flu this week, and came down with it myself on thursday night. I was supposed to start my 5dpt today but I've been sooo sick, all I've been able to do is drink water, and orange juice, for extra vit c. Since I have limited my food intake anyway, can I start monday as day 3? I start my new job on Monday, and just don't want to be be on liquids all day long. That's ifI make it to work on Monday!!:-( Help!!
Take care,
Diana Mora
This flu is really going around! So many people I know have it. I'm so glad I haven't, yet- knock on wood!
I think you should wait for the 5DPT. After the stress of the flu, along with a new job, give your self a break! Drink plenty of liquids and get a lot of rest!
Get better soon! Good luck with the new job!