Please help me

on 3/1/08 5:18 am - pinellas park, FL
I am 5 years post op and have been having this crazy pain for the last 4 yrs. My surgery was in MI and my surgeon there said he thought it was gas and it would go away eventually, well it hasn't. The only way I can describe the pain is like having contractions when your giving birth, it starts in my back then radiates around to my stomach. They only last for 2 to 5 min (thank God) then I'm fine. During this time I cannot move, i can't catch my breath and the pain is horrible. I dont have a gallbladder so thats not it. I have since moved to florida and have been trying to figure this out and they seem to be happening more often. I've had a EGD, a colonoscopy and they cant find anything. I finally went to a bariatric surgeon and he believes I have a Petersons Hernia or internal hernia and is sending me for an upper GI to rule out leaking first. Has anyone out there had anything like this? I feel like Im going crazy! It's happened in the middle of the night, sometimes after I eat, sometimes hours after I eat...sometimes when i havent eaten anything! Theres no rhyme or reason they happen I've started vomiting for no reason, and I feel nauseaous all the time. Sorry this post is so long I just really need to find out if anyone else is going thru this and what is it?????
on 3/1/08 5:33 am
Sorry you are dealing with this.....I can't say I know what you are dealing with but wanted to let you know two that have.....    and Butterfly Reborn actually has information on the Peterson Hernia on her profile....she always experienced a partial block, lots of adhesions and a total bowel obstruction.....I know she would be more than happy to communciate with you through PM. Good luck!

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 3/1/08 11:11 am
I have this as well !!!!!! At least, this is how I would describe it.  For me, it is reflux.  Sounds weird I know because it feels nothing like acid reflux has ever felt (pre-op) Have they put you on prevacid to see if the pain responds ?  I have had an EGD as well and there was only a slight redness. If I go off the prevacid within a few days I get this pain back. It feels like an "attack" , it radiates around my back, it sometimes causes vomitting. It is horrible. I hope this helps you out. The gastro doc who did the EGD said that he sees this in a small percentage of bypass patients and most just have to stay on the prevacid. Good luck !  -Melissa
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/08 3:31 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Have you had any findings for kidney stones?  I used to get the attacks that started in the lower back and then radiated around to the front (that's the way the drainage tubes run from the kidneys to the bladder.).  The pain lasted for a LONG time, because I had a severe blockage, but maybe in your case you are passing a stone which means the pain won't last long. I hope you find the source of your problem soon.  Good luck.
on 3/2/08 4:26 am
What you describe I have had several times. Have not had it since I stopped trying fried food of any king, chicken or steak or any meat, just all too fatty for my pouch. Never really ate meat but was trying to get my protein in. Not sure if I was not chewing enough or just eating way too fast...  but I haven't esperienced it for at least 9 months. I had stricture prior to surgery and had it repaired then for 6 months after I had it again...didn't feel like you described. I thought it might be a hernia this time had every test possible as well but nothing showed.  I have since stuck to fish, non gassy veggies and LoCarb Slimfast with protein added and have not had it since. Hope you find out but I think if you are cleared by dr you may find its something you are trying to eat.
on 3/2/08 10:08 am - Indianapolis, IN
My pain was very much like that when I had my internal hernias. I described it as a Charlie horse in the stomach. I was told that it is caused by there being alot of extra room for the intestines to wiggle around in after you lose weight and they end up wiggling and getting 'pinched'. While they are pinched, you hurt. When they un-pinch, the pain goes away. Unfortunately, unless they happen to be pinched when you have a CT scan, it doesn't pick it up. They can however tell it when they go in and do an exploratory. For me, they were able to go through the same incisions as for my RNY (done lap) and able to fix each of them while they were in there. Up here in Indianapolis, we refer to it as KBS...kinky bowel syndrome. Good luck! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 3/2/08 7:57 pm - pinellas park, FL
Yes! A charley horse is a great way to explain the long did it take you to recouperate after having the hernia fixed? I just hate that I have to go back under the knife again... Thanks so much for your help!
on 3/2/08 8:37 pm - Indianapolis, IN
The surgery was done out-patient and I think I was off of work for ~4 weeks.  I'm having surgery today myself. I have an external hernia this time. Back in October, following plastics, my intestines quit getting blood supply. They had to cut into the abdominal wall to get to them...and to save my life. They weren't able to close up the abdominal wall due to the intestines being swollen so now the intestines prefer life outside of the abdominal wall. I don't! lol. Because of the extent of the opening, it's expected for me to be in the hospital for 2-3 days and off of work another 7 weeks (for a total of 7 months since I originally took off for my plastics). I hope between today & when I can get on again that you are able to get your answers and be back home recouperating. Best of luck! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
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