Read this question carefully
I guess I'll be the lone one to say I wouldn't have RNY. I've had a serious complication, nesidioblastosis, and had 60% of my pancreas removed along with my spleen. I've also developed iron deficiency anemia and now have to get iron infusions. I have less energy than I did when I was obese. I've done everything right as far as supplements and vitamins and yet, I have these issues along with full blown osteoporosis.
No, I would not do it again, nor would I recommend it to anyone I know. I'm not sure what I would chose, but it would probably be lap band. I'm one of those who never has dumped on sugar. However, my blood sugar will drop drastically even after the distal pancreatectomy. And no, I don't eat sugar as an everyday occurance. But my blood sugar will also drop on a protein shake so go figure.
I'm glad I weigh 100 pounds less than I did. But I'm not glad that I have all these malabsorption issues. Even tho I knew some of them could happen, no one knew about the nesidioblastosis back then. I think that is going to be a very serious issue in the future with all the RNY's being performed. And anyone considering RNY needs to know about it. I wish I would have.
I'm cheating here......I am only 15 mos. out but I wanted to share too. I think about this all the time. I worry about the choice I made, I worry about regain, I read the struggles posted here and I think......crap ! I don't every want to go back. It does seem to me that there are fewer people struggling on the DS board. It seems to me that on the whole it may be easier with the DS and this worries me because I do not underestimate morbid obesity. This illness is trying to kill me and has been since I was little. I guess to answer your first question the part of me that is terrified would defnately have the DS in order to quiet my mind; however, when I move into a quiet place I know for me that I worried about the DS. I am in my early thirties and I worry about that surgery and its effects on my health over the next 50 years. That is kinda unknown scientifically. So, this is the reason I know that I chose RNY.
However, the main reason I wanted to post and say anything you like---is this....This discussion is harmful to me. Here I am, I have had the surgery, no going back at this point and everywhere I turn there are discussions that question the very heart of the leap of faith I have taken. That call into question my ability to continue to be successful, that basically seem to say "no matter what you are eventually going to fail again" It terrifies me.
I have to work very hard to quiet the voices that say "you know you are going to fail, you know the weight is going to come back, you know it is only a matter of time, why should this time be any different ?" This discussion is only feeding the fire of sickness and fear in me. I come here for support. This is just a thought for anyone......if you are going to post about this surgery versus that
surgery take a minute and think. Yes, there are the people out there researching and trying to make a decision. They need the honest truth about both surgeries. But think about the people who have already made the decision, like me, and we are struggling to believe in ourselves. That this time it is really possible. That this time we could really make it. That maybe for the first time we can walk in the world and not stick out, not be a freak. I want to make it this time. I need to make it. In order to do that I need the truth but I never need to second guess what is done. I need to focus on the moment and what can be achieved.
Deep breath.
Every one of us worry about the return of the symptoms of our disease.
I don't know that anyone really believes it's gone, as in GONE.
I mean, I lived life for 44 years varying between kinda roundy and morbidly obese. I only have now 12 years since my surgery 13 yrs ago to offset the first 44. It's not like I will forget that this is a fatal physical disease. It is only in remission.
I was 4 yrs out before I got online, so the info I had was just what I could see and touch.
You make the best decision you can with the info available to you at the time. None of us can see into the future. I had NO clue that my distal RNY is simply not done nowadays. At the time I had mine done, or when I got online, more accurately, there were only 6 docs in the country doing it! So, not like this one was ever out there to choose from!
As much as I hate the blood sugar issues, I cannot go back. I have listened carefully as more cases of nesidioblastosis are actually diagnosed. I wonder. Mentioned to to 2 endos now who totally freaked about the treatment, but I'm still following it.
So, while you are worrying about your choice, you would STILL be worrying, no matter WHICH choice you made. It's NORMAL to worry about the return of a fatal disease. We are in remission. That's all.
While I have had good success with my surgery, not everyone did. I won't tell you I am some star performer with superhuman will to remain at this wt. Not even. So, I've stumbled and recovered a few times.
You will too, because you have at least escaped the diseases of morbid obesity. I think your very fear will help you be successful with your part of the job.
Every one of us worry about the return of the symptoms of our disease.
I don't know that anyone really believes it's gone, as in GONE.
I mean, I lived life for 44 years varying between kinda roundy and morbidly obese. I only have now 12 years since my surgery 13 yrs ago to offset the first 44. It's not like I will forget that this is a fatal physical disease. It is only in remission.
I was 4 yrs out before I got online, so the info I had was just what I could see and touch.
You make the best decision you can with the info available to you at the time. None of us can see into the future. I had NO clue that my distal RNY is simply not done nowadays. At the time I had mine done, or when I got online, more accurately, there were only 6 docs in the country doing it! So, not like this one was ever out there to choose from!
As much as I hate the blood sugar issues, I cannot go back. I have listened carefully as more cases of nesidioblastosis are actually diagnosed. I wonder. Mentioned to to 2 endos now who totally freaked about the treatment, but I'm still following it.
So, while you are worrying about your choice, you would STILL be worrying, no matter WHICH choice you made. It's NORMAL to worry about the return of a fatal disease. We are in remission. That's all.
While I have had good success with my surgery, not everyone did. I won't tell you I am some star performer with superhuman will to remain at this wt. Not even. So, I've stumbled and recovered a few times.
You will too, because you have at least escaped the diseases of morbid obesity. I think your very fear will help you be successful with your part of the job.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Oh wait, let's just check.
I have 100cm comon channel and Don has about 130cm. That's the "tail" of our Y.
We have more like 300cm bypassed.
Distals are measured from the colon BACK, proximals are measured from the stomach OUT. See?
So, we have a pouch, like RNY, but the very short common channel like a DS.
I have 100cm comon channel and Don has about 130cm. That's the "tail" of our Y.
We have more like 300cm bypassed.
Distals are measured from the colon BACK, proximals are measured from the stomach OUT. See?
So, we have a pouch, like RNY, but the very short common channel like a DS.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Hi Melissa. I'm so sorry this this thread was upsetting for you. I certainly understand you're fears as I too worry about my future success often. Don't second guess your decision~we all make the most informed choice we can at the time and I truly trust and believe in my surgeon whole heartedly! I can't say if one surgery is "better" than another b/c I've only had RNY~not DS or lapband~so how can I truly comment on which is a better choice??? All I know is what worked for me and so far things are going really well at 3+yrs out! I have been maintaining if quite awhile now with a few small fluxes that I've been able to control~that's amazing to me!!! Having that control and being able to work this tool that I've been giving seems like such a blessing to me!!! Will I always have a 328lb woman sitting on my shoulder~YES! But, with every fiber of my being I will NEVER let her come back! There may be struggles along the way, but anything good is worth fighting for!!! Can people out eat this surgery (or any surgery), probably. Can people gain and then work their tool and lose again~sure. We are not perfect, but we can monitor ourselves and do the best that we can every day to live a healthy lifestyle, to make the changes from the old, bad habits to new, good ones, to exercise, etc. A little fear is not a bad thing~it can help you to be successful for the long haul, but just try not to let it consume your life. When the thoughts in your head get overwhelming just remember how far you've come already~you ARE a success!!!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
With the effects of the RNY finally happening to me (it took four years for me to find out my dumping is on fats and sugars above 10 grams - and its immediately coma like which sucks!) I have had the slight gain in weight 10 lbs but that is it. I wanted DS but it was not offered by insurance and doctors in the area didn't do the procedure. I didn't want to travel in case there was a problem. I am experiencing problems with a B deficiency and I wondered if I went the route of DS rather than RNY if I would experience the shingles and other stuff I had this summer from low white count. I have to say its been the only problem I have experienced and it took 4 years to appear. I do treat the RNY as a tool. It still works for me - can't eat more than 1 cup of anything at anytime. I am so glad I treated the tool right....I hope it will continue to help me to keep the weight off.
Life is too short to eat lousy food!
Hugs and Fleece Blankets
I'm cheating a little, as I'm only 2 1/2 years out. I started at 315, it took me 11 months to lose 100. 3 months later I got to my lowest of 212. Then I gave up, stopped watching what I ate and gained back 17. I've stayed between 225 to 230 for over 1 1/2 years. While I'm certainly not a success at losing weight, I feel that I have maintenance pretty controlled.
I didn't do as much research as I should have. My Doctor presented 2 options, RNY and lap band. Lap band was not presented as a good option for me, so I went with RNY. I'd have to agree that lap band would not have been a good choice. If I was making the choice today, I think I'd probably choose DS.
My real regret, the necessity for any kind of surgery!
I rarely hit this board because most of what I see here is people having trouble. Personally, I think most with trouble keeping the weight off didn't make the commitment to life changes they thought they would make. Flame me if you like, but that's how I see it.
I'm 4 years out and have worn the same size (6 jeans, M tops) for 3 years. I chose RNY partly because my insurance would pay. The DS may be easier to lose and keep weight off, but that wasn't what I was looking for. I was a little afraid of some of the malabsorption issues that occur more in the DS but what I was really looking for was something to help me get the weight off. I was committed to making the changes I needed to make for the rest of my life. I still have a BMI of 26, but I'm a runner and exercise intensely a minimum of 45 minutes 5 days a week and have also finished a marathon.
I would make the same decision again for the reasons I said above. I have been able to make my life what I want it to be.