Results of Blood tests...
Anita - Don't know much about the vits and labs (except mine always seem to be within normal limits), but wanted to send along some {{{HUGS}}} to help you thru your time of bed rest.
I'm on day 3 post RESTORe procedure, and I'm feeling better with each passing day. Since I have to go back to work tomorrow, I'm really taking it easy and milking all I can get out of it. I got on the scale this morning and I'm down 5 lbs since last Tuesday (had the procedure on Thursday). So far the liquid diet phase is not difficult to swallow (no pun intended) - just drinking protein drinks, chicken broth, tea, water and some sf jello - that's about it.
Looking forward to hearing that your anemia gets turned around and your back to your old self again.
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.
Thanks Betsy!
I'll be fine! I feel really great today actually...Sun is shining and I have on some music and just enjoying all the robins flying in from warmer places. I feel like taking a walk but I know my husband will be after me like white on rice! He's a pain in the arse today! I can't wait til he goes back to work in the morning! He's being a really grumpy house wife! ::::giggles:::He hates housework!
Well I was thinking of you for days now wondering when we'd hear from you. I was driving up and down 95 a lot lately as my doc is right near that Wegmans in Woodbridge.... And I think it's such a small world knowing that we could pass each other in the car at any moment! LOL Well I am glad you sound like you are doing great! I know that five lbs must feel sooooo good after such a struggle! And it's finally here and done...and hopefully it will be a success!