Results of Blood tests...

.Anita R.
on 2/29/08 11:05 am - Stafford, VA
I am so blood test illiterate.  All I know is when I got my results and I saw low low low low low low and a few highs ...I kinda wigged out and asked to talk to anyone who could put my mind at rest for the weekend.   I'm anemic.  I was put on bed rest until they can get me in for B-12 shots daily and a possible blood transfusion???.  Yikes...I only talked to my doctors nurse...She went over all the tests. everything else is great. She told me I had the lowest "bad fat" LDL or something...that she ever saw...I have to assume that is good...What do I know?  Protein was good Calcuim and Vitamin D good HGB A1C was good (Diabetes in check! ) yay! Thyroid was good! (Hypothyroidism in check) YAY! She said I have some weird things going on in the blood.  Something to do with high platelet count and deformed oval blood cells and micro and macro something or others!...and not enough oxygen because of these cells...I dunno!  She told my husband to not allow me to work and best if I just stayed in bed...I dunno why?  I feel fine! Sheesh!  This is what I get for not taking my iron. I took all the others somewhat faithfully...but not iron. It shows. :::Sighing:::The one supplement I did take for 4 years faithfully is I was kinda shocked that I may have to have daily shots for a while. I'm not going to worry til I actually talk to the doctor. Docs supposed to call me at home this weekend so I guess I am stuck at home. "Resting" I am mentally drained. I have no idea what to expect. I'm a little bummed...But I'm good! Anybody have a clue? 
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/08 11:30 am, edited 2/29/08 11:35 am

I don't have a clue, but just wanted to give you a hug, so...  (((((oxoxAnita))))) Edited to add:  Curious here... what type of B12 supplement were you taking?  Sublingual?... I was reading a discussion the other day about how some folks can't absorb sublingual... which didn't make sense to me, but I reckon could happen...? Make sure you rest... There's a reason why they need you to do that!   Hang in there!!!  I'm glad you got labs done, so they can catch this stuff NOW... you know? Angie

.Anita R.
on 2/29/08 11:54 am - Stafford, VA
Thanks Angie I'm taking that hug for sure!  LOL  I was taking sublingual 1000mcg...and I often took two daily since they sell 5000mcg in the Vit Stores. I figured I might as well take a little extra even though I was told 500 would be adequate. Guess not!  I'm still waiting on Vit A , Zinc, Magnesium and one other test that I don't recognize the abbreviation for. (PTH INTACT)  I have no idea what that is. Probably some vitamin thing. Thanks for the hug...I really needed one!  My face is flushed and I guess it's bugging me more than I want it to!  LOL Hugs back at ya! Anita
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/08 11:58 am, edited 2/29/08 11:58 am ansform.jsp?requestURI=/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/parathyroid_hor mone_test.jsp

The parathyroid hormone (PTH) test is a blood test performed to determine the serum levels of a hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland in response to low blood calcium levels. PTH works together with vitamin D to maintain healthy bones. The parathyroid glands are small paired glands located near the thyroid gland at the base of the neck.

.Anita R.
on 2/29/08 12:25 pm - Stafford, VA
I never even thought to look that one up!  I didn't realise the list had two different types of calcium and D tests...My Vit D shows the lower end of the normal range but calcium in right in the center of normal...So I didn't even think that there could be more!!!! LOL I love the test results from my doctor because all the ranges are there to compare and there are even "interpretations" and remarks! Plus it highlights a high or low so those really stood out!  If those puppies aren't the cutest most adorable stess reliever...I just don't know what is!  Too darned cute! You're a real sweetie Angie
Dana H.
on 2/29/08 11:38 am - Elmo, MT
Hi Anita, Well the good news is that at least you know now and dont have to guess.  Its amazing that we don't even feel that bad when we are anemic.  I felt fine and when I went to get TT. I found out I was dangerously low in iron too.  Iron comes up very VERY slow, once it gets that low.  I discussed it with my DR and we decided that I shoult have the transfusion.  It just took an afternoon and the numbers got better.  I have been staying on top of it again. I dont know what the other blood things mean,  I hope someone can give you some information. I went to the DR today and he gave me some codiene for this terrible cough that will not let go of me.  I attribute some of my iron issues with very heavy periods and we discussed Birth control.  LOL  even though I had my tubes tied 9 and 1/2  ago,  I get to start birth control pills on sunday. I hope it makes my tom more tolarable.  I also got an all clear to work out, even run,  he just wants me to strengthen my hamstrings and that will help the knee and ACL. As you can see, My computer is being good to me tonight,  I hope it continues. Hugs to you, Dana
Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal    
.Anita R.
on 2/29/08 12:10 pm - Stafford, VA
Dana, The suspense was horrible...Waiting a month just for blood tests is just plain ridiculous. But I really should have gone the last two years and it's my fault...absolutely mine.   I was reading a little about anemia and the deformed blood cells seem to have something to do with anemia. (Even though she told me that the lack of oxygen in my blood was most likely not malabsorption related) So I'm just not sure. She also said that the hight platelets like that usually show when the body is fighting off infection. I told her I had a cough (just like the rest of the country) for a good month...Nothing serious, just a lingering cough that never got bad or better!  It seems gone now! LOL Another weird thing is my face flushes red for about a week now after I eat. I thought it was a wind burn/ face rash from walking in the cold...but it's only when I eat something. I wonder if that is anemia related...Well I guess I will find out soon enough. I popped two iron pills and a Vitamin C chaser!  I don't know what it is about that cough this year...It was nasty!  Glad you are getting some relief. It's so hard to do anything when you are sick.  ICK!!! BC pills...I hated those things. But hopefully they will help. I haven't taken those things for 20 years!   Hopefully you and your computer on their way to recovery!  hehe...I was having trouble a little while ago myself...Seems better now... Glad to see you around for a change! Anita.. (love the little angel fairy)
on 2/29/08 1:28 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
have clues. what were the actual numbers?

b12 (not everyone absorbs the subs)

and so on


RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

.Anita R.
on 2/29/08 2:32 pm, edited 2/29/08 2:35 pm - Stafford, VA

Michelle: <----edited to spell your name correctly!  CBC: These are the lows: HGB   11 HCT    34.5 MCV    72.6 MCH    23.3 MCHC  32 EOS%  0.2 THese were high RDW   18 PLT CNT 441 These were present in my blood Microcytes             High Macrocytes           Slight Hypochromia       Slight Ovalocytes            Slight PLT EST                High (Elevated) SEG/100 WBC     None present ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ calcidoil 42.30 Vit D        25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ferritin    5        LOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iron        22       LOW UIBC     452     HIGH TIBC      473     HIGH Iron Saturation  4.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cholesterol     143 Triglyceride      61 HDL (good fat)63 LDL (bad fat)   68 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HBG A1C  5.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following tests are pending PTH INTACT MG RBC VIT A Zinc B-1 (not done but ordered) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I cannot find the B-12 Test. I bet she forgot it or skipped over it. I even asked the nurse why would I need B-12 shots, and she said that low B-12 and Iron deficency go hand in hand. I had no idea that B-12 had anything to do with Iron what-so-ever. I just thought it had to do with healthy cell rejuvenation and the immune system. But she said that because the cells are deformed, it is obvious it it B-12 causing the Iron deficiency...It's all alien to me! I have no idea what any of it means. Thanks for looking at these for me!   Big greatful hugs Anita

on 2/29/08 2:40 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Let us remind ourseles that I am not medical, do not pretend to be, cannot diagnose or treat disease and so on.

OK, what leaped at me was the low vit D. New ranges are 32-100 and new studies want us 70-100.

Yes, the iron is out of whack. Yes, the B12 often goes hand in hand with iron. And folate, too. B12 acts more like iron in the body than a B vite.

so, will be interesting to see where the PTH and calcium come in, along with the rest of the pending gang.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

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