Results of Blood tests...
I don't have a clue, but just wanted to give you a hug, so... (((((oxoxAnita))))) Edited to add: Curious here... what type of B12 supplement were you taking? Sublingual?... I was reading a discussion the other day about how some folks can't absorb sublingual... which didn't make sense to me, but I reckon could happen...? Make sure you rest... There's a reason why they need you to do that! Hang in there!!! I'm glad you got labs done, so they can catch this stuff NOW... you know? Angie
The parathyroid hormone (PTH) test is a blood test performed to determine the serum levels of a hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland in response to low blood calcium levels. PTH works together with vitamin D to maintain healthy bones. The parathyroid glands are small paired glands located near the thyroid gland at the base of the neck.

preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

Michelle: <----edited to spell your name correctly! CBC: These are the lows: HGB 11 HCT 34.5 MCV 72.6 MCH 23.3 MCHC 32 EOS% 0.2 THese were high RDW 18 PLT CNT 441 These were present in my blood Microcytes High Macrocytes Slight Hypochromia Slight Ovalocytes Slight PLT EST High (Elevated) SEG/100 WBC None present ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ calcidoil 42.30 Vit D 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ferritin 5 LOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iron 22 LOW UIBC 452 HIGH TIBC 473 HIGH Iron Saturation 4.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cholesterol 143 Triglyceride 61 HDL (good fat)63 LDL (bad fat) 68 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HBG A1C 5.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following tests are pending PTH INTACT MG RBC VIT A Zinc B-1 (not done but ordered) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I cannot find the B-12 Test. I bet she forgot it or skipped over it. I even asked the nurse why would I need B-12 shots, and she said that low B-12 and Iron deficency go hand in hand. I had no idea that B-12 had anything to do with Iron what-so-ever. I just thought it had to do with healthy cell rejuvenation and the immune system. But she said that because the cells are deformed, it is obvious it it B-12 causing the Iron deficiency...It's all alien to me! I have no idea what any of it means. Thanks for looking at these for me! Big greatful hugs Anita
OK, what leaped at me was the low vit D. New ranges are 32-100 and new studies want us 70-100.
Yes, the iron is out of whack. Yes, the B12 often goes hand in hand with iron. And folate, too. B12 acts more like iron in the body than a B vite.
so, will be interesting to see where the PTH and calcium come in, along with the rest of the pending gang.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.