Newbie, 3 year checkup
Hello, y'all. I have never posted to the graduate board before, only found it a few months ago. I have been reading posts about once a week. I saw Dana (Cajun Girl) on here with her anniversary and thought maybe I should "unlurk" and say Hi!
I just saw my surgeon yesterday. He always makes me feel so good! He always says how amazing I look, etc. I am doing very well. I am at a good weight for me, which is right at 160 pounds. I always fret that that number seems high, but I wear a size 8 and everyone thinks I weigh less. Even my dr double checked my weight, he said he would have guessed me at 140.
I always take my vitamins, drink my water and follow the rules pretty good. But geez louise, I reckon I am going to battle food my whole life, huh? I have to plan ahead for each day or I'll catch myself eating when I shouldn't. The what to eat I have under control pretty dang good, it's the head hunger just mindlessly wanting to eat I still battle.
I have tried to updat my profile several times. I can't seem to do it! I just spent 30 minutes typing and changing thing**** save, waited, it looked ok, went back, it was gone. What am I doing wrong??
Happy friday! Susan
Wow, im 4 years out, you sound just like me! I also weigh more than people think but my sizes are pretty good. 8 - 12 depending. I am always aware of what im eating too. I exercise very hard and i think that someone exercising this hard should have lost all their weight but then i have to tell my self that this is probably how hard "normal" people exercise to maintian. Good luck michelle
I have lost 115#'s. I had my surgery on January 20, 2004.
Welcome Susan!
I'm no feather weight either, and my size 8, 165lb bootie is just as happy as can be where I am. No one can guess my weight either. Same as you...They say 140 at the most...I just smile! Doc says so too!
Here's a ::::high five:::: for us big boned gals!
Those little feather weights are sooo derned cute though! (I just don't want to stand next to any in a bathing suit photo unless I can put them in a big beachbag or something.)
Welcome and glad you decided to unlurk!
Susan, hey lady it's to see you posting.....I still check out the Feb 05 board occassionally but it's dead *sigh*......Happy Anniversary and congrats on your success.
Hope to see you around, we all deal with the head hunger and emotional post-op aspects that's why I feel it is so important to stay involved with a support group, whether online or face to face.
Not sure why you are having problems with your profile, you might contact customer service and see if they can help.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining