Update on Shrink visit etc
I am so glad you posted! I've been curious.
You sound so much more up-beat than you have in a long time! We are here to support you--and each other! So many of us are fighting the good fight and can 100% relate to each other. I did the 5dpt recently, thought I was under control, but this past week was not pretty. You'd think I'd be so sick of playing around (up & down, up & down) in my 180's that I'd just get a grip.
Good luck on your goal. It's a very lofty one--
--but hey, you'll soon be able to tell if it's attainable or if you will need to adjust it. But like you said . . . however much you lose will be totally good!!
Please let us know how things go with your therapist once you really start (if you feel comfortable sharing).
