How much do you lift?
It must have just been the way i was standing and of course when I noticed it I had to do a real 'pose' and then I could see the big muscle definition as well as how broad my shoulders have become. So weird!
I have to admit that it does make me proud to see more celebrities showing a little muscle...have you seen Kelly Ripa's arms on a recent Tide commercial? Very defined and i think it sends a good message to young women.
I don't currently use barbells, but I do implement some free weights into my "upper body days" weight training. (I am by no means "accomplished"!!) I don't even know the real names of the various exercises, but depending on the specific one I'm doing, I generally use 8, 10, and 12 lb. weights in each hand. When I was really more devoted & consistent (my first 2 yrs. post-op), I sometimes pushed myself to use 15 lbs. per hand for a couple exercises. I generally do 2 sets of 12-15 reps and want to start working towards 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
I also do various weight machines, but I don't know how to explain what the machines are (I don't know the names of them) to be able to tell you what level of resistance (in lbs.) that I use.
This winter has NOT been my most shining period of time, as far as working out goes. I have had a few lapses, but I've not abandoned it either! I'm joining Kathy's "Did You Move to Lose Challenge" in hopes of giving myself a little more motivation to be consistent!