Ended up in the e/r yesterday...
Hey all,
I had to go to the e/r yesterday after having heart palpitations and shortness of breath for the last 3 days. I wanted to go see my Primary but she made me go to the e/r instead. So they tell me that my blood work was fine, I do however have a UTI and am on antibiotics for that. My chest xray was good, BP was 98/52, heart rate was fine. Now the E/R doc said that you can have a UTI or bladder infection and start to have palpitations and shortness of breath, anyone ever heard of this?

Hi Cathy,
I have been trying to figure out my own pain so I have been reading a lot on the internet. Heart palpitaions and shortness of breath are symptoms of a leak. My doctor says that isn't likely because leaks usually happen within the first two weeks post op. I don't know but it might be worth bringing up to your doc just in case. Hope your feeling better soon
on 2/27/08 11:11 am
on 2/27/08 11:11 am
I've had that before & also went to the ER.
Everyones differant of course but, in my situation it was due to anxiety/stress.
I went in thinking I was having a heart attack. I was confusing it with a sort of panic attack.
Did they rule out a side effect from your meds?
Sure hope your doing better !
Take care