osteopenia--anyone else experience this?
I am 57, rny 2 years ago, lost about 160 lbs and am holding. I walk 1-2 miles per day, get 1200 mg calc citrate, plus more in cheese, yogurt, milk....
Dexa scan gave me a score that is borderline for needing supplementation with fosomax or other med. Doctor wants to wait a year, up calcium and exercise, then see....
What are your thoughts about the medication, foods I should focus on, avoid...how much walking should I do...feels like I already walk a lot...
Also I am sad and discouraged that after all this work I have thinning bones in my hips, not osteoporosis, but still.....I feel tempted to overeat, like "what the heck?!" I know that is is not the way to look at it, but I am sad and discouraged....
Thanks for any information...

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)


Marcia D.
210/108/105/ now 155 planning for a revision ,
I'm 56 and have osteoporosis. I took Fosamax for 3 years and every year my density declined. My vit D levels have always been great, I take a liquid calcium with mag and Vit d, plus I take D3. Still my bone density declined. I just don't absorb the calcium or the Fosamax. Now I get a yearly injection of Reclast. I also wonder if our high protein diet contributes to it. In a Mayo Clinic newsletter, it said that a high protein diet can contribute to osteoporosis. They recommend protein intake based on the following formula: Your wt divided by 25 times 9. For me that comes up to about 60 gms of protein a day.
So now I'm trying to lower my protein intake and increase fruits and veggies. But that's hard because of the low blood sugar issue (nesidioblastosis).