Did You Move To Lose Today? How do you know if you are training to hard?
Hi Robin,
You are not alone, You have a million buddies here at OH. I was very sedentary until 1-11-08 and since then I have made a commitment to ME to get stronger! With this forum, I try and check in and get ideas. I am just as lost as anyone else. I am just doing what I have been doing since I was 1. Walking. Gonna get out of my comfort zone tommorow and am kinda scared but I am gonna do it! You have done a great job with your weight loss by the way! I hate treadmills but like walking the laps and outside so that is what I am sticking to for right now. I wish you luck and hope to see you here! Dana

Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

Hey Robin
I totally understand where you are coming from - I can't stick with an exercise program for long either as I get bored very quickly. Also I usually set too high a goal for me to attain and get fed up as I dont' get there!
So what I've found is working for me is doing a little bit more than I was before - small baby steps. When I first started posting on this tread I said I was in Kindergarten compared to all the others - I still am, BUT it is more than I was doing before, AND I've seen slow gradual changes in my fitness, which has inspired me to keep at it.
I started off by walking - very slowly I have to admit, then gradually increased to where I walk faster now. Then I added in the stepper - while watching tv so I don't get too bored and it takes my mind off the fact that I'm exercising! Just in the last few days I've added weight lifting!!! That's a very lofty term for holding a couple of cans of cat food while doing my stepper and lifting them up and down - I dont' really feel anything different, but I'm sure it is helping my muscles.
Baby steps ~ and you will soon see a difference which will spur you on. If you get fed up or bored with one type of exercise that you are doing - change it to something else. I've tried all sorts and stick with something til I've had enough. I'm still learning and this 'talk' is to me as well (as I need to hear it).
Hi! My moves today were 5 hours at my job and then physical therapy for my knee. Had planned on doing the treadmill tonight but the knee is too sore from the pt so I'll just do my pt home exercises instead and treadmill will be tomorrow.
Am excited, I got the clearance to start jogging again! My resolution this year was to learn to like (originally 'love' but let's get real!) jogging so I bought a nice treadmill. So far, I love my treadmill but swear a lot at the interval workouts. They are just a little too advanced for me right now. We have a 10K annual race here the first Sunday in May (www.bloomsday.org) and last year I walked it with my daughter but want to jog it with her this year. That's my goal!
Thank you for the info on overtraining, that is excellent!
Have a great evening!
I'm hangin' in there . . . some days by the skin of my teeth!
Finally made it to the gym about 2:00 this afternoon. I hate to go during the early afternoon hours (1:00-3:00), as there are so few people there. I actually "like" (?) it better when there are more people there--just seems more interesting, or maybe I feel a sense of camaraderie with fellow exercisers! So I'm usually there either before 9:00 a.m. or after 3:00, but this was my one chance today.
Still working on building up the weight training portion. Ultimately, I'd prefer to do 30 min. cardio and 30 min. w.t. every day (alternating areas of the body, of course), but I'm still lop-sided towards cardio.
Snow flurries down here in southern IL all day but not really any accumulation. I'm giving this crappy weather til the end of this week, and then . . . MARCH . . . and . . . spring???