Rotator cuff surgery----anyone?
Hello my OH Family, hope this finds everyone having a good night tonight. I got some great advice and support from you all after my last post....thank you all! Well, I had an MRI last week on my shoulder. Went back to the Dr. today, and found out I have a torn rotator cuff. He has scheduled surgery for March 17th. Not looking forward to it, but am ready to get any kind of relief from this constant pain! Have any of you had this surgery? Can you give me any advice on what to expect?
He told me that the physical therapy afterwards is worse than the actual surgery.!! I plan on starting the 5 day reset when I have surgery. I figure that would be a great time to get back on track! The Chantix is really helping me. I'm down to maybe 2-3 a day, and my quit for good day is next week. So I will be smoke free for my surgery, which with the COPD and emphesyma should help my recovery. And thats whats going on in my are YOU doing?!
I had my AC joint repaired . My surgeon said the pain would be the same as rotator cuff repair , because it's in the same area & just as invasive . Just like any surgery , the first few days are the worst . They'll have you on good pain meds . Take them on schedule the first few days to stay "ahead" of the pain . I slept with a small pillow under my shoulder . Keep several ice packs in the freezer , they were a life saver . The phys therapy wasn't that bad for me . It wasn't fun , though . It's all better than the pain of the injury . Good luck . Kathy
hi julie
well im a surgery veteran as well. ive had both knees replaced and had surgery on both rotator cuffs, along with lots of other surgery.
the rotator cuff surgery went very quickly and well both times.
however, i will tell you that the PT afterward was hard work. the first time was much harder than the second time, but i think i had more damage in the first shoulder. there was also bicep repair done in that one.
having said that, im just about good as new down the line here. you should be fine, just do what your doctor says. the worst part was sleeping for the first few weeks as he wanted me to keep the shoulder in a certain position.
good luck, jacki
Another rotator repair here! I had my right one done about 9 months ago. Tore it in a car accident when someone rearended me. Now I am having the same symptoms on my left and surgeon suspects tear there...waiting on MRI so we might be having surgery right around the same time! In terms of will be in a sling that will keep your arm immobile for 6 weeks. No driving or lifting with that arm. PT starts about a week after surgery and initially the therapist will move the arm passively until you get a little strength back in it then active movement will be allowed. Mine was like a limp noodle the first 3weeks and I was suprised that I couldn't do anything with it other than wear the sling. The pain is tolerable because you know it's surgery pain and will eventually go away where the pain we have now is just constant ache with no relief. I was able to go back to work at 3 weeks in the sling and do things one handed but when I had PT I had to go home and take a pain pill afterward. Heavy duty pain meds for the first 3 weeks and then I was able to switch to Darvon mainly after PT/exercising it. Sleeping was actually a bit more comfortable since the shoulder was in the sling and was not falling back like it does now when we sleep aggravating the pain. You won't be able to hook your bra yourself so I used to hook it and slid it up from my feet. Camisoles with a built in bra are also a lot easier to handle. Buy some bigger tops so you can get dressed easier (strechy ones) while you have limited range of motion. I lost my appetite after the surgery (I think its a combo of anesthesia, pain meds and just limited motion/pain) so I lost weight without even trying.
Thank you so so much!!!! You gave me some great details that I needed! My surgeon told me I should be able to go back to work in a few days....hmmm it doesn't sound like it to me! Though I don't do physical work, I do a lot of computer work. Guess I'll start practicing my "one handed typing"! Thank you again for your tips. I'm going to start putting things aside. Sending you prayers and good thoughts on your recovery and possible upcoming surgery.
I love how the surgeons minimize the recovery! I did go back to work at about 10 days but 1/2 gets painful even hanging supported by the sling and you need to go home and lie down; ice it; etc and take pain med. I can't work if I am taking the pain meds as they make me too loopy. It is deceiving because they do the surgery thru 4 little incisions and you think hey I can get up and go but no dice. The rehab process also takes 3-6 months depending upon how bad your muscles atrophied prior to the surgery. I just now have full range in the right one 9 months later and can do whatever I want with it. The computer work was tough for me because of the one hand typing. It was not my dominant hand so I actually found it easier to write with the left than type. This time it is my left so that strategy will be out. About the only thing I found I could not do one handed was floss my teeth but you can buy a little device with the floss on it so you can even do that. Doing my hair was a challenge because you only have one hand. But you can do anything for a limited period of time. I am very glad I did the repair because now my shoulder is 100%. It is a tough recovery but worth it at the end.