Laughing Cow Light Swiss
I love laughing cow...It melts really nice too...Tastes good cut up and stirred into drained cooked spinach (rather than butter)...or melted on a Garden or Boca burger (with fried onions and mushrooms makes it really creamy yummy).. That's enough...I already ate two snacks talking about food! Love all the ideas Anita
So it's been three days since you posted this...and I've been away all weekend and just read up on the weekend posts yesterday. I wake up this morning...Open the fridge and something falls out and I think...OH BOY!!! THIS IS GOING TO BE MESSY!
I look down at my's my little round box of laughing cow cheese laid all around my feet in cute little triangles...I just had to laugh::::laughing cow::::.and tell you guys because how weird is that???? Of all the things to fall out.
The universe is telling me...have a laughing cow wedge! I might have to do that later or be attacked again...Maybe my cheese is made from a mad cow! LOL (Dang, I think someone else already made a mad cow joke) Oh well!
'Tis totally true!
I love celery with peanut know what else is good!!!! ???
Take a thin slice of ham...lay it in the stalk...fill with cream cheese or ricotta cheese (more protein than cream cheese)...and if you like sour too add a few pimento stuffed green olive (just for flavor)! Yummy! I forgot all about those!
Oh and...LOL AND...Fill with cream cheese or laughig cow or both mixed and press cream cheese side down into canned flaky salmon! (or canned chicken or tuna if you don't like salmon....Good way to make it a nice protein snack!)
Dang...I'm hungry again...
Thanks for the peanut butter idea...I totally forgot that used to be a huge favorite since I'm not much on jams and jellies with my peanut butter.