Having medical problems
Hello All,
It has been a LONG time since I've posted. Probably a couple of years. I am hoping some of you could offer some help/advice/understanding/guidance. I am 2 1/2 years post op. For the last few months I have been having problems. It seems as though low blood sugar is the culprit, but the doctor I am seeing believes I have Pancreatic Hyperplasia. I had my surgery at Scott Air Force base in Illinois but now I am in Seoul, S. Korea seeing an Army doctor with NO EXPERIENCE with bariatric patients. The Army started doing gastric bypass but now it is forbidden (at this base) because of the three patients they had; two died and the third is on baby food for the rest of her life. Anyway, have any of you had problems since surgery? I am curious and really wanting to talk with people who may be able to calm my nerves or even better, have some experience. We are due to head back to the States in July. Except this time we will be at a Naval base (we're Air Force). I don't know if I can find anyone in the military who can help me.
Thank you for listening. I appreciate it.
Not that I would be able to help you... but, what kind of symptoms are you having? I keep reading posts here about reactive hypoglycemia... could that be it?
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/reactive-hypoglycemia/AN009 34
What kind of tests have they done to come up with the diagnosis?
Are you able to see local doctors? Maybe there's a surgeon who can help you in Seoul...?
on 2/20/08 11:41 pm
on 2/20/08 11:41 pm
I would definately get a second opinion if I were you.
It's a lot on your mind but, try not to worry. I'm sure under the right Dr's care you'll be able to get it properly diagnosed (or confirmed) & get taken care of. In the mean time I'd also research a lot too ... to reassure yourself.
Hopefully, there is someone here or another message board that you'll find that knows more.
Good luck & take care.
I think you need to get the hospital or your doctor to contact a state side hospital and discuss your symtoms so they can treat you until you get back to the states. I know they started doing the procedure at Walter Reed and Bethesda has been doing them for quite a while...If you can talk to the surgeons yourself thru a DSL line maybe you can get some answers. I'd push hard...I know how hard it is to get them to listen sometimes! Just push the issue and they will know you are serious! If they don't file a complaint with JAG and watch how fast they put a fire under someone's arse!
Good luck
Thanks Everyone, for your posts. I really appreciate the advice and concerns. I went back to the hospital today to see an Internist. She isn't military and seems to really care. WOW! I am checking into the hospital on Monday for a three-day test. What she had to say about my pancreas and symptoms seemed to really make sense. However, once this test is done I WILL get another opinion at the Samsung hospital in Seoul. They are supposed to be outstanding and the doctors all speak English (most were trained in the US or abroad). This is still pretty scarry for me but I know it will all work out for the best. Everything happens for a reason, right? In the meantime I will spend my weekend doing research and educating myself better on this whole subject.
Again, thank you for taking the time to not only read, but respond to my post.
I'm sooo glad you got someone to listen. I've been thru similar military doctor problems and did have to go thru a serious fight to get someone to help me figure out what was wrong with a healthy 19 year old soldier! After 3 months of trying to get someone to help me with abdominal pain, fainting, nausea, dehydration, etc.....I went to the base commander and filed a complaint with a 3 star general who finally got to the bottom of the matter with the hospital and clinic...I lost an ovary because I had a tumor that in 3 months had grown 300 % and was at the rupturing point! One civilian doctor lost his license over it. So I get a little pissed when one doctor doesn't know what to do so he sends you home with some motrin rather than getting you help!
I am so glad you will be getting help! Research all you can! LOL I still have a doc that asks me what labs she needs to run...But I'm all prepared and ready to hand her a list of labs I want done!
Good luck sweetie! Get well!
Hello, sorry to hear about the problems you are having. I had sx in may of 2004. I have had multiple problems which have landed me in the hospital often and in surgery again and again. heading back to have another sx this thursday coming up. i have had to have iron infustions, blood transfusions and all my levels are low and i am bleeding inside yet they keep looking and cant find it, which is why i have to keep having transfusions and infusions... if you want to email me or message me i can tell you more about it. way to much to type inside the forum...but i would be happy to help...i live 4 minutes away from the niagara falls air base..go often... hubby to be was in the air force and was stationed in seoul korea for years, in fact i have sweat pants from hard rock cafe there that i still wear. lol...
i hope you feel better soon...... i will help you as much as i can....