Depressed/Day 1 of pouch test/ Vent.
Good for you for taking back control!!!! Its hard, but you CAN do it! I think the 5dpt is a great way to get started. I hope things are still going well for you today and hopefully tonite will be a breeze!!!! Give us an update so we know how you're doing!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
You got lots of great comments and I just want to add my voice of support (I'm a regainer working on that problem).
Try journaling your food and finding out exactly what you're eating. With that "data," you can make some changes and then see if that helps take off the weight. If not, try another change, track that, see how that works. It can be a real eye-opener to see how much you're consuming, and of what, and just the act of tracking it will force you to pay attention to what you're doing.
I am a fan of protein shakes but not of liquid-only diets so good luck with the five-day pouch test (something I'm not a fan of, but if it works for others that's all that matters). Anyway, did you ever use shakes before? Maybe using them now to try to curb appetite (in conjunction with food ) would help. It helps me (I do 1-2 shakes a day to help cut my appetite).
Regarding exercise, twice a week wouldn't be enough for me to lose weight. I need 3-4 times a week (and conscious movement in between -- 30 minutes of walking partway to work, for instance, on days I know I won't get to the gym).
Somehow, you have to identify habits that are blocking weight loss and take steps to change them. Sooo easy to say and tough to do, but . . . doable.
Hi! Like you, I read but don't post here either. This is a great board with wonderful people, though and you have gotten some excellent feedback on getting your pouch test going successfully. I'm doing it along with you, I'm on day two and hope that it will help put me back in touch with my pouch and get that carb monster off my back. I've stayed no white stuff since surgery but the sugar free candies have gotten me into terrible trouble lately. (And nsa ice creams, craisins...sweet things!)
Even though you don't like pre-planning try to do a little. If you can't get as detailed as meal-to-meal planning at least have some safe things on hand that you can grab without thinking. Maybe several 1-cup portions of your soups or some pre-measured 4 oz. portions of proteins. If they are in the fridge just waiting for you then you don't have to make huge decisions ahead of time. It just takes a little advance prep work. You probably would never be caught without the foods your little one needs, don't treat yourself any less.
Hang in there!