Very upset/discouraged
This guy from Washington State writes me and starts off with something along the lines of, “You seem really deep, may I “enter” your world?” I didn’t answer and he kept after me saying one weird thing after another, then I wrote him and told him I thought he seemed a little forward (and friggin WEIRD, I thought but didn't say). He wrote back and sort of apologized, then went on to say he didn’t mind an overweight woman, that he thought my pictures looked good anyway!!! WTF??? No wonder these guys are single. Of course that just made me feel even worse about myself than I already do. I think I’ve lost all this weight and come to find out I still appear fat. I just want to die. I blocked that specimen from ever contacting me.
I have gained about 30 pound back from my lowest and am feeling pretty self concious about it. I am working out three times a week but the honeymoon sure is over. What am I going to do?
Well, first of all I'd say stay away from goobers like that dude! His idiotic comment sounds like something he said because he didn't like being dismissed by you... you hurt his feelings, so he did the same to you... just an infantile move from an infantile man... at least that's my take on it...
I really thin****il we learn to TRULY love ourselves from the inside out... no matter how big or small, we are never going to be happy... there is SO MUCH more to us than our exterior selves... sigh! So many people forget about what truly matters, which is who we ARE as human beings... our hearts... our souls... and then we get caught up in all that crap about what gives us worth... grrrrr... that always ****** me off!!!
You are BEAUTIFUL... hello!!!???
Hang in there...
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130