Day 2 of 5 Day Pouch Test
Anita - While I was in Baltimore yesterday for some baseline visits (my RESTORe procedure is tomorrow), I spent 2 leisurely hours purusing the isles of Wegmans in Hunt Valley, MD. Man, what a store! I can't wait until they build one here in NC. When will the Woodbridge store be opening?
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.
My daughter got the job she applied for so she's going to be a cook! YAY! She's really excited. (Almost as much as I am!)
The store is scheduled for "Spring 2008" ...At the rate it is moving along, I'd guess before June...Drove passed it yesteday on my way to the doc's office.
She has to travel to the Fairfax store for training until the Wdbg store opens. (2 hours and all the traffic) But the pay and benefits are so great for a teen just starting out. I'm glad too because she's off our military Insurance very soon!
Yes! I can spen 2-3 hours in there. If I hear any news on a NC store, now that I have a little mole in the store, I'll let you know!
Good luck tomorrow sweetie! I hope you have awesome results!
Hugs Anita
Great to hear how you are all doing...only a few days left - I KNOW you can all do it. That's what this journey is all about - taking back control in your lives.
You can do it
Yes you can
You can do it
Yes you can!!
From a side lining cheer leader - hey, us cheer leaders get to exercise while cheering you guys on - hehe
Go to and it will explain it all. The 5 day pouch test was designed by a WLS patient (quite brilliant lady) and it is for WLS patients (grads) who have either gained weight and/or eating the wrong types of foods etc. It is meant to "reset" your pouch and also help you get back to the basic way of eating prescribed to us post op.
Many people report weight loss as a result, although it is designed to get u back into the way of eating/living post operatively which in turn WILL cause you to lose the extra weight.....
Good luck!
RNY 5/27/2002
RNY 5/27/2002