Day 2 of 5 Day Pouch Test
I've always wanted to go to New York york city?? git a rope!! (you know, that commercial??) LOL
I would like to go to New Jersey too......I want to go to every state in the country at least once. I was born in Baton Rouge, LA and have lived here my whole life.....I live Prairieville (which sounds hick huh?) but it is just a suburb of Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge is now the biggest city in LA. We passed up New Orleans after Katrina. This city is getting bigger and bigger every month it seems....we have a ton of upscale stores that we didn't have just 10 years ago.....Whole Foods, Fresh Market etc. Plus, everyone here are huge LSU FANATICS!!!!! Plus, we LOVE to eat in South Louisiana! So much food here and everything revolves around food!!!! I love to eat and so does my family. My husband is skinny and he eats to live, I live to eat! He doesn't understand my issues with food. I am addicted to food i believe. You don't look old enough to have a grown child!!!! If you ever want to come to Louisiana to visit, let me know and you could stay with us! We live about 45 minutes from New Orleans (Baton Rouge is growing so much that it doesn't take as long to get to N. O. it seems, well, at least to the suburbs of N. O). We are going to see Rush in New Orleans in April and we went to see The Police there last year. It was fun, we partied on Bourbon street before the concert......we don't go down there much, but sometimes it's fun to take a ride down there to go shopping and to hang out. Ok, I am going to my appointment with a new surgeon to talk to him about a revision......I doubt I qualify but we will see what he says. Take care! Lorri
RNY 5/27/2002
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

Melissa... Yup yup yup! Meat and taters! Been there done that too in Texas! Ever see the size of cows in texas! They are as big as the buildings !!!! HOLY GI-HUGIC COW!!!! The ****roaches are the size of regular cows. That's funny about the flax seed...(If you don't like the in-laws) Ask him over for dinner 'cause you want him to try your new flax seed seasoned tofu burgers with a PB and soy milk shake for dessert! LOL My family runs for the hills when I mention tofu...One night I didn't say a word and my daughter says "That was some tender pork mom"...My son comes in and says...yum on the chicken mom...and hubby comes in and I tell him he's eating tofu and he gives me a :::I'm throwing darts at your face::: kinda look and then smiles and says...You be-atch!!! LOL He loves me anyway! Thanks for the website! I'm going there right now! Then I really better get off me arse and steam clean the carpets like I had planned to do this morning...which is quickly turning into afternoon! If my hubby comes home and asks me if I spent all day online again...I'm gonna feed him something really weird and healthy! :::Evil grin::: Like my favorite seaweed salad...and green"mystery" juice! With wheat germ! Hugs!
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.