If you've successfully maintained, post here
I had my surgery in May of 2004, so I am coming up on my 4 year anniversary very soon.
I got down from 325 to 176...17 mos out I got pregnant. After my daughter was born, I lost a bit of extra...she will be 20mos old on Thursday and I am sitting very well at 165. When I had my surgery, my surgeon's goal was about 180...my goal was 150. Quite honestly I didn't think I'd get down to the weight I am, so I am very pleased.
My doc claims that I am his 'poster child' but I most definitely do not feel that way. Sometimes actually I just feel plain lucky, or maybe I just don't give myself enough credit.
I do still take my supplement regularly. Daily. No exceptions.
Most days I get in around 90-100oz of water and/or Crystal Light. I do drink pop occasionally, but just not very often at all. When I do I get those little 8oz baby cans, and sometimes don't even fini**** I am more prone to drink sodas though when I eat out. (Which I'm sure I do much too often).
I still do not drink with my meals. I eat, and then 45 minutes later I start working on my water. Sometimes I overdo it between breakfast and lunch and don't want lunch, but I eat it anyway.
I eat all of my meals off of salad plates.
I try to REALLY be conscious of what full/satisfied feels like. Satisfied...NOT GORGED. Big difference. I find when I really chew well and listen closely to my body on this one I don't eat as much.
Most times also I have set in my mind what I think I can eat. What I mean is...when I go get something to eat, I always get a small portion. Some days I may be able to eat more, but I stop with what I get.
I have FINALLY learned to NOT be a 'clean plater.' When I'm done, I toss it. Most of the time it isn't enough to make a difference to all those starving children our mothers used to lecture us about.
I'm not perfect, but these are a few of my positives. I still have demons. I am a horrendous nighttime/before bed snacker. That is my biggest downfall. I'm sure if I could get that under control, I could easily drop at least 5 more pounds, even this far out. But for the most part, contrary to what other surgery types may think, I do not feel deprived, I eat whatever I want in moderation.
Oh...and I know some folks think it's neurotic, but I weigh myself every morning. I truly believe that has helped me stay in a good range.
My surgery was four years ago. I have maintained my weight loss within a ten pound range since 11 months out. I go to support group, I have a therapist who specializes in eating disorders, I keep a daily food journal religiously, I weigh every day, I exercise 4 to 5 days per week, and I try to follow the rules the majority of the time. I do not deprive myself. I listen to my body and if I get a really strong nagging craving for something I will go ahead and have a serving of it and be done. That keeps me from sneaking and binging later. My therapist has me practicing positive thinking techniques that seem to really do the trick. I do fall sometimes and cave to temptation but I no longer beat myself up about it. I just get up, dust off, and get right back on track and realize that I am human and will fight this food addiction forever. I know Ihave to stay focused and diligent and not let my guard down.
This was a great post. I enjoyed reading all of the responses.
Had my 3rd anniversary on the 8th of Feb. I am at 127 today but I do bounce to 132 if I have had sodium in my diet. When I see it creep up its not a few days but overnight so I know its sodium so the next two days I completely keep it out of my diet and I am back to 127. I love sushi and I love a touch of soy sauce on it for flavor.
I do not eat the wrong carbs nor meat.(it helps that I am allergic to potato and rice) I stick to fish of all types, mostly shellfish and I do eat barilla plus pasta, one cup is enough for me. I make my own sauce so its sugar free as I use splenda but there is also sodium in the sauce and of course I do use italian grated cheese, low is calories and sodium.
I have such bad allergies and I think this helps me control my diet as I have to read every single label since I was about 17 and at 58 I have noticed over the years the products I was able to eat now contain BHT, BHA, TBHQ, sodium benzoates, metasulfites, yellow#5 (tartrazine) and items containing splenda which I am ok with, has been changed to Ace K and Splenda which is not ok for me...terrible reactions allergy wise to acesulfame k. This makes it hard to cheat or I am hitting the benedryl bottle or possibly ER. It's easier to do without.
I am pretty limited to the parimeters of the food store which is great. I make everything fresh and trust me I hate to cook, I mean I really hate to cook so this is work for me. I don't enjoy thinking about food, never had and I don't enjoy planning meals so there is never anything in my home I should not be eating. Only snack food for me is Kashi Go Crunch, I eat it like someone would have popcorn but I limit to 1 cup. It really is delicious and you get that crunch, its the only packaged food I bring into the house or than Slimfast LoCarb only which I add my Unflavored Unjury to. I think this is the secret to my success. Slimfast was my breakfast and lunch prior to gaining weight in 2001 and it continues to be my staple. If I don't get my protein for the day and I do my calculations before I say my prayers, I get my butt out of bed and make a shake, if I don't I am dragging tired the next day. I do my vits and supplements and committed to them at 20 yrs old so this has not been a problem for me to continue without fail. Two B12 shots a week. You can see my list on my profile.
Then there is pilates which I do 23 mins a day..in 2001 I bought a reformer and it was the best money I ever spent on a piece of euipment. Not only do I look forward to it but it has really strenghtened, lenghtened and sculpted my body. I don't run anymore as its too hard on joints and I do have osteoporosis. That pretty much covers how I am keeping my weight at 127. What is more amazing is how did I ever reach 213 to begin with never changing diet from how I just explained, all I did was add the protein powder 1 month before WLS.
Current weight:120 and still 5'4
I will be 5 years out on the 27th of this month. (holy COW) Anyway, I maintain by weighing every day. I also excercise every day and I watch what I eat and use moderation. (something I was never very good at until I got my tool) I only allow a 5 pound regain, and, like Anita, if I get too close to that I RUN!!
Like many others here, I accept that I am a compulsive overeater, binge eater and thankfully my tool helps me keep that in check. Life and it's cir****tances will not change just because I lost weight. I had to change myself from the inside out, not just the reallignment of my guts. It is not easy, I have spent hours thanking the Lord that tile is cold when I have gotten out of hand. I have reached my 5 pound limit and once even got slightly higher. For me I remind myself daily, not only did I scare people around my and cause them undo worry because I was MO, then I put them through the ordeal of waiting in the surgery waiting area and not knowing what would happen to me. Will she ever wake up, will she have horrible complications...etc? I will NEVER make people worry about me in such a fashion again. (at least due to MY food issues)
I will struggle with weight and food until the day I no longer breathe. The tool helps me cope, but the rest is all accountability. (and yes, in some cases there are surgical anomalies that lead to regain)
I dont feel like a success because I am still trying to reach my personal goal but I have maintained a loss of 162 pounds for over 2 years....I was 360 9/17/03 and 1/15/08 I was 198. I am still trying to get to 180 but was told I should post here because I have earned it ( you know who you are, hope this makes you happy) :-)
RNY 9/17/03
360/198/forever aiming at 180
Diana, you are are success hon......-162 kept off for 2 years.......yes we all want to reach that "magic number" we set for ourselves........we can be too hard on ourselves, yes?........girl be proud of where you've come from, positive self talk to yourself lady.......you need to be good to yourself.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
The common theme, if I can reduce these responses to a common theme, is accountability. You successful people are all holding yourselves accountable. Each time I read a new post on this thread, I think maybe this person knows a good secret to share with the rest of us. But there appears to be no secret - just hard work and dedication. I could not be hearing this at a better time.
Again, thank you all for sharing what you do.
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.