Starting to struggle and only day 1
Ok, it is lunch time on day one of the pouch test. I work in an office full of women who like to eat (like me) and the smell of different things being heated up in the kitchen is torture!!! My cubicle neighbor (yes, I sit in a prestigious cubicle!) is eating a great smelling lunch with chips and cookies and OH I AM ABOUT TO LOSE IT!!!!!!!!!
OK, I am calm, I am calm, I am calm, I am calm, I am calm...................

Hang in there Lorri, You will be so glad you did! Take a walk or get out of the cubicle and get some fresh air!
You can do it!

Back on Track Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

Thanks Dana
That is a good way to look at this, I will think about how great I will feel at the end of this week after having stuck with it.....
Thanks for the encouragement and I think I just may take me a stroll outside around my building.
Wheeewwww, ok, I am calm and I can do this..............

Drink, drink, drink...a shake, water, coffee, whatever to take the edge off. I have decided not to do the pouch test cause when I do, I do not have the energy to exercise. I am gonna take spin class 3x this week and need the, I am gonna go back to basics, track my food and stay away from my one true love....Carbs!
Keep up the good work.
You can do it! It's tough but it's really all mental....
You can do it!!!! When you get home...make a nice hearty tasting soup... I hate walking into anywhere they have food cooking or take out. (Bring a thermos of broth or lentil soup or something that smells like real food...It really might help!)
You will be soooo glad you did this test...I hope you and all your fellow 5 dayers are doing well! It's so worth it.
How about heating up some chicken broth or boullion, that may satisfy some of the cravings. I'm not around food today so it hasn't been bad. I've had an unsweetened latte and a protein shake. If I get really hungry, in the past I've had cut up raw carrots, cucumbers, and celery, and at least that gives me something to chew on with minimal impact on carbs or calories. Also try hot herbal teas. You can do it!!!!!!!