moved fr chicago to GA -can't find support group plse help!
I had WLS in August of 2003, have pretty much maintained my weight loss, However, I am worried that I am not getting the proper medical care as I don't know any doctors who know about or have taken care of bariatric patients. I know I should be getting my tests done annually however, I don't know who can help me. Does anyone know what I can do. I have lived all my life in the Chicago area until now. I am going to be 56 and I don't have any friends here and I am very lonely. I never had to make new friends, as I had the same ones all my life since grade school. I can't find a job either. I left a good job up north and I have never had this much trouble finding a job (maybe age?). Have also been having moments of wanting to go back to my old ways and "eat". Please help me!
Where are you at in Georgia? Did you do a search for a bariatric surgeon on this site? Look at the light blue bar above where it says find a bariatric surgeon and do a search for your area. I'm sure you will find a program that can support you. Also, this web site is a great support. Update your profile and become part of the group by posting often like you just did.
Don't give up! Change is good for the soul!
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
Miles City, MT
Thanks for your encouragement! I greatly appreciate your reply. I found a place with bariatric physicians listed on it in GA. One I had looked up was very anti-gastric bypass and had all the scare stories about how 1 in 200 patients die and 50% have nutritional dificiencies. Since I have already had the surgery, I really don't need to listen to thier scare stories about the evils of bariatric surgery. What I am really looking for is a physician who is familiar with problems in bariatric patients and knows and is familiar in treating bariatric patients long term. Especially regarding nutrition dificiencies. I have osteo porosis and I don't know how some of the drugs used to treat this condition (Boniva for example) can effect my stomach pouch. Right now the only drug I am on is estrogen to treat my non-existent sex drive and hot flashes, depression , and at least it does actually maintain bone mass after men-on-pause (ha ha). I wonder if Estrogen is OK to take. I would just feel a lot better if I could find a practicing GP who knew a little about bariatric patients and what drugs are OK and which are not. I am generally much healthier after surgery than before. I used to have asthma, heel spurs, knee clicking, hip clicking and would have to go up a flight of stairs using the palms of my hands on all fours. I have definitely improved my mobility and feel like I did 20 years ago before I became overweight. I was not a heavy young person. I seemed to put a lot of weight on after I had quit smoking and then I would take off 10 and gain back 20 with each diet. My pre-surgery weight was 245 and my lowest weight after surger was 138. I gained a little after 2 years and held steady between 142 and 145 for 3 years. I now weigh 150 and I am starting to get scared I will gain it all back. Because I was at home after I feel down the stairs and I was ordered to complete bed rest for weeks, I found myself going to the fridge to "Graze". This was starting to seem to close to the old days for comfort for me and now I am really worried. But thanks for the really helps to know that someone cares. From coming to this site and reading some of the other's postings, I realize I am not the only one with this problem. Thanks again.
You might want to try posting on the GA board and see who else might be in your area. I know here in Dayton/Cicninnati Ohio there are several people that have met on line and started supporting each other no matter who their docs are or what type of WLS they have had.
Good Luck.
4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss
You really did a great job taking off your weight. My surgeon originally wanted me to weigh it at 132 for my height and bone structure. The lowest I got was 138 and when he saw me at that weight he said I definitely didn't need to loose anymore. I was one of those people that had really big hips and thighs. My waist, bust, neck and face and arms never really got that huge, but my butt was the size of Texas. Thanks for your reply.
It's maybe half an hour. We have a free support group that is organized by Floyd Medical Center, the hospital where the WLS is performed. But a lot of people come to the meetings that had surgery done elsewhere. You can call the bariatric department at 706.509.5170 and somebody can give you information. I hope it works out for you.
Wow! you lost twice as much weight as I did and have kept it off great. I didn't seem to have a problem keeping weight off until I moved here because it is so boring because I can't seem to find a job. I have always had an office job (Mon thru Fri, 8:30 - 5:00). The only thing I could find here was a retail job as a cashier. I really didn't like working such an erratic schedule and never being off on the weekends. They would make me work every weekend and then I would never get to spend any time with my husband, who is the only one I know here. That and the fact that I made 3 times the money up North is very depressing. I fell down 12 icy steps off the top of my front porch and fractured my color bone and fractured my ankle and tore my rotator cuff. Since I couldn't perform my duties as cashier, they have since hired someone else. Although maybe it was a blessing in disguise because I hated the job anyway!
My husbands job moved to Cartersville and that is why I live here now. I will be 56 shortly and I have never lived anywhere else in my life but the Chicago area. It is a very shocking change to loose all your support people, relatives, friends, good job, etc. The only bright spot is the weather. I can truthfully say that I DO NOT miss the Chicago Winters. I went there just last week to visit my mother and family and it was 26 below zero with wind chill. BBBBBRRRRRRRR! I don't think anyone who lived in GA all their life can even comprehend what that kind of cold feels like.