
on 2/14/08 12:45 pm, edited 2/14/08 12:55 pm - Henderson, KY

I had WLS on 10/10/06.  I started out weighing 354 lbs. and I'm 5'3".  The surgery that my surgeon said I had was the distal RNY.  As of 11/30/07, I had only lost 88 lbs and now I think I've gained about 10 lbs.  Granted, I'm thrilled with the weight loss.  But, according to what I have read, people whom have the distal RNY lose more weight.  Unfortunately, VERY little makes me dump.  In fact, there are only 2 things that I have noticed that make me sick and that is chocolate pie and shrimp.  When I first had the surgery, I tried my best to follow the rules.  But unfortunately it got harder and harder.   I asked my surgeon the last time I saw him if it was possible for me to lose at least another 60 lbs and he said yes it was.  I forgot to mention above that I stopped losing at 6 months out.  :(  I'm asking if anyone here has been able to lose that much weight after this long a time?  He also mentioned that he wanted to see me in May, which is 6 months from the last appt.  Normally he would want to see a patient in another year but he was concerned with how little I had lost.  He mentioned a procedure (and he didn't call it by name) that was relatively new where they tighten my stomach to make it smaller.  It is an out patient procedure.  I did some research and it sounds like he's talking about the stomaphx (?)  Has anyone had any success with that?  I don't want to have a revision because I heard they are much more complicated.  But I want to lose more weight and feel more normal. I am hungry all of the time and about 20 mins. after I eat, I'm hungry again.  I tried the waiting an hour after eating before drinking to see if that worked but it doesn't seem to make much difference in my hunger. I knew that this surgery was just a tool but I also knew that I had very little will power and was told that the dumping would help with that and certain foods like sugars, I wouldn't be able to eat.  WRONG! I am planning on joining a local weight management program in the hopes that it will get me back on track again. It's medically supervised.   I just feel really depressed and angry at myself for not using the tool to it's full advantage.  Plus, I thought that the "honeymoon" period that everyone talked about would last longer than 6 months.  I'm just wondering if I stretched my pouch out.  There was a few months where I was throwing up quite often either because I ate too much or didn't chew good enough.  I'm wondering if that has stretched my pouch.  Also, I tried a diet coke before I found out that could stretch my pouch too.   :( Does anyone have any suggestions, advice, or just some encouragement?

on 2/14/08 12:55 pm - Alexandria, LA
I am sorry for your weight loss surgery troubles as we had surgery in the same year and are the same height and were pretty close in weight.  I had to get in a very new and regimented mind set after the surgery.  The surgeon did his part and now I do my part sort of thing.  Of course the rules get harder to follow as you get hungrier and things become easier to eat.  We naturally get more curious but our tool works with the rules.  I know it's hard to hear that that's the way to lose, but think of it this way... if you do everything the surgeon asks and log your food to prove it plus the exercise that all the WLS programs recommend, you can go back in May and hold him and his surgery up to the microscope. Good luck! Rachael

Tracy B
on 2/14/08 9:26 pm - Erie, PA
Congratulations on losing 88lbs. I can understand why you're disappointed that its not more. It does get harder and harder the farther out that you get, but from my experience the tool still works if you work the tool. Its not easy~believe me, I know!!!! I guess its like you have to go back to the beginning~push protein, eliminate bad carbs, sugar, all junk, follow the 30/30 rule, exercise.....this is where I would start. If you follow the program to the letter and no weight comes off, then I would consider other options. It sounds like your surgeon is truly concerned about it and wants to help~that's wonderful!!!! Good Luck and please update us on how things are going.

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

Kookie L.
on 2/14/08 9:48 pm - TX
Its  a very  tough  reality  I  think  we  all  have  to  face  that  is this  a  life  style  change ..Change  is  so  hard  so  hard  day to  day .. In  the  OH   magazine  this    month  they  had  a  wonderful   article called  Success Secrets after  WLS  ... Six  main activities  are  important  for  sucess after  surgery  1) controlling portions 2) eating  right for  good nutrition  3)setting  personal  goals 4)reducing stress 5) participating in  support  groups  Make  sure  your  getting  your  70 grams  of   protein  or  what ever  your Dr   has   suggested . Long  term food  prorition is  1  cup during loosing it  was  1/2  cup for  me  Good  protein snacks ( don't exceed 1/2  cup  in portion)  fluids ( 64  oz) Take  your  vititamins every  day ...   Exercise is not only important for the the  weight  loss  but  I am  finding  for  my  mental  state  also ..... Mental  state is very  important for  success Make   sure  you  have  your  labs   drawn  .....  So  important !! I  found  these  guidlines  in  the  article  very useful. I   would    encourage  you  to  start  writing  down  every  thing  that  you are   eating and  drinking  ..  Make  sure  that  your  portions  are  the  small  ones  like  when  you   first  had surgery .. Food  is  our  fuel for  our  boday protein is  so  important   ....Make  sure  those  nasty  carbs  have  not  sneeked  in  and  have  taken  over ..  I   truly   believe  you  can  start  loosing  again   ....  You  can  take  control  believe  that  ..  Surround  your  self  with  good  support  if  you  don't  have  support  groups  in  your  town  then  email    with  others  here  on  OH  there is  so  much  good   support  here.  I  email  with several   friends  daily  and that support  is  my  life  line  many   days  when I  can't attend a  meeting .  Please  please  know  you  are   worth it  ....  You  can  do  this  you  really  can  ..  You  must  believe  it  and  get  back  that   positive  determination  that  made  you  decide  to  have  this   life  change  .  Just  know there are  many   right  here  on  the  site  that  will  love  you  and   support  you  through  the  tough times !!  We  all   have  the  the  same  choices  to  use  our  tool  daily  some  days  are  harder  than  others.. This  is  reality  but  we  can  beat  the  obesity  that  wants  to  take  our  life  back!!!  Keep  posting  and  taking  it  one  day  at  a  time ... Believe  in  your self !!  Your  not  alone .  Tami
(deactivated member)
on 2/14/08 10:44 pm

Bless your heart, I can understand your frustration. I had proximal RNY a couple of months before your surgery and thank goodness, everything has gone well for me. We're all so different, that what works for me might not work for you. I don't count calories - I concentrate on protein and fiber. I don't count carbs, but I try to eat wheat and brown instead of white. I eat several small snacks through the day (Kashi oatmeal, homemade fiber bars, things that fill me up and make me feel good). And then there's the work-outs. I just can't stress how important it's been for me. I work out every morning for 45 minutes. I've found The Firm tapes make a huge difference. I alternate that with the treadmill (at an incline) and walking outside when I can. It's great that you've asked for help from your doctor - I'm sure he can advise you and help you get to your goal. I just hope you don't get so frustrated that you give up on yourself, because you can still do it!! Nobody says you have to reach your goal in 6 months, or even 18 months. I know people that have lost for 3 years after RNY. (To be honest, I wish I'd lost slower, maybe I wouldn't have so much of this extra "tissue" that's hanging on me.) You're doing the right things, asking for help and support. Please keep us posted on how you're doing - there's lots of people here that understand what you're going through.


Kathy S.
on 2/15/08 2:48 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

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