I had WLS on 10/10/06. I started out weighing 354 lbs. and I'm 5'3". The surgery that my surgeon said I had was the distal RNY. As of 11/30/07, I had only lost 88 lbs and now I think I've gained about 10 lbs. Granted, I'm thrilled with the weight loss. But, according to what I have read, people whom have the distal RNY lose more weight. Unfortunately, VERY little makes me dump. In fact, there are only 2 things that I have noticed that make me sick and that is chocolate pie and shrimp. When I first had the surgery, I tried my best to follow the rules. But unfortunately it got harder and harder. I asked my surgeon the last time I saw him if it was possible for me to lose at least another 60 lbs and he said yes it was. I forgot to mention above that I stopped losing at 6 months out. :( I'm asking if anyone here has been able to lose that much weight after this long a time? He also mentioned that he wanted to see me in May, which is 6 months from the last appt. Normally he would want to see a patient in another year but he was concerned with how little I had lost. He mentioned a procedure (and he didn't call it by name) that was relatively new where they tighten my stomach to make it smaller. It is an out patient procedure. I did some research and it sounds like he's talking about the stomaphx (?) Has anyone had any success with that? I don't want to have a revision because I heard they are much more complicated. But I want to lose more weight and feel more normal. I am hungry all of the time and about 20 mins. after I eat, I'm hungry again. I tried the waiting an hour after eating before drinking to see if that worked but it doesn't seem to make much difference in my hunger. I knew that this surgery was just a tool but I also knew that I had very little will power and was told that the dumping would help with that and certain foods like sugars, I wouldn't be able to eat. WRONG! I am planning on joining a local weight management program in the hopes that it will get me back on track again. It's medically supervised. I just feel really depressed and angry at myself for not using the tool to it's full advantage. Plus, I thought that the "honeymoon" period that everyone talked about would last longer than 6 months. I'm just wondering if I stretched my pouch out. There was a few months where I was throwing up quite often either because I ate too much or didn't chew good enough. I'm wondering if that has stretched my pouch. Also, I tried a diet coke before I found out that could stretch my pouch too. :( Does anyone have any suggestions, advice, or just some encouragement?
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Bless your heart, I can understand your frustration. I had proximal RNY a couple of months before your surgery and thank goodness, everything has gone well for me. We're all so different, that what works for me might not work for you. I don't count calories - I concentrate on protein and fiber. I don't count carbs, but I try to eat wheat and brown instead of white. I eat several small snacks through the day (Kashi oatmeal, homemade fiber bars, things that fill me up and make me feel good). And then there's the work-outs. I just can't stress how important it's been for me. I work out every morning for 45 minutes. I've found The Firm tapes make a huge difference. I alternate that with the treadmill (at an incline) and walking outside when I can. It's great that you've asked for help from your doctor - I'm sure he can advise you and help you get to your goal. I just hope you don't get so frustrated that you give up on yourself, because you can still do it!! Nobody says you have to reach your goal in 6 months, or even 18 months. I know people that have lost for 3 years after RNY. (To be honest, I wish I'd lost slower, maybe I wouldn't have so much of this extra "tissue" that's hanging on me.) You're doing the right things, asking for help and support. Please keep us posted on how you're doing - there's lots of people here that understand what you're going through.