on 2/15/08 1:38 am
I would definately be aggressive as far as the surgeon being accountable first of all.
If that is even an option. Would they consider this in your appeal ?
It makes me angry that you have had to go thru so much already & now insurance
to deal with. Maybe I'm incorrect but, I would try all measures. If your first surgery was
not done properly. That's not right with such major surgery.
Other than that, I thought I "stretched" out my pouch too. I could eat as I did before
surgery even & was hungry all of the time. It's been 5 years since my RNY.
Then I did the 5daypouch test & after that have been getting back on track.
NOW I feel my pouch & can only eat small portions again since I'm following the
rules again. I'm not asking myself if it still works. I know it does...stopped gaining
& feel myself losing the 50+ or so I put on.
Keep your head up sweetie.
I wish the best for you.
Keep us updated !
on 2/15/08 10:09 am

on 2/16/08 1:48 am