My 3 Year Check-Up
Last year when I went in, I weighed about 125 lbs. I dropped down to 115lbs., and maintained there for a long time. When the Pain Clinic put me on Methadone (along with Percocet), I began to drop weight. Since Oct. I have lost another 15-18 lbs. I'm sure that the medication has caused this, and it's the first med they have put me on that helps with the spinal pain. What a Catch-22! Can't live with the pain, can't live with the weight loss. I have to go back in 3 months for them to check me again. I'm anxious to see what my bloodwork shows from today.
To add to this fun, I get to have a cervical culposcopy and probably biopsy this Thursday. What a Valentine's present that will be! Then at the end of the month, I have to have extra mammograms done. At least with no boobies, it doesn't hurt much!
Sorry for whining. I am eating all the time, but can't seem to gain much of anything. Any ideas are welcome!
I love you guys!

Let the good times roll.............

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Hey, JoAnn! Wow... gain 10 lbs. Strange words indeed. Can certainly understand that your meds effect that. See if you can work with a nut to counter the effect of the meds.
Hope your blood work shows good things!
Good luck on the cervical colposcopy and biopsy. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. I ended up having to have a cryosurgery done (in the office - freezing cells off) for "mild dysplasia". Then about 6-9 months later they were back again so I a LEEP procedure also done in the doc's office. That was the last of it and that was probably 10-15 years ago and my paps since have been "clean". Good luck with things! Gentle hugs, Kathy

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)

That is almost a wow moment if you weren't having so much trouble! :( As for gaining weight...come on ova to my house! I can make anyone gain weight with my Italian food. Seriously...though...Just pack on some calories without eating more food maybe...This way you won't continue eating more when you get healthy again...I had a hard time fattening up my son too....Got some meat on him with bananas though and upped his milk to whole...Yep seems to be fat and carbs are what help pack it on. Maybe even try some slider foods that are healthy than fats... It does mean eating more, but in a different way....:::Shrugs::: Just ideas :::thinking:::: gosh this would be soooo easy for me! If it's not one thing, it's the complete opposite! So sorry for you! Anyway, I wish you luck Hugs Anita