Morning ... feeling displaced

on 2/11/08 9:46 pm - SSP, MN
Hi... Im a frequenter of my local board and have found it not as supportive as I wi**** was. You see .... when one weighs 124 and is afraid cos she was 122 four days before one doesnt really have a problem to ask about.  :( Its not the number... its the going up... IM trying so hard to maintain and IM scared to death of going up and up and right back to 263. Im learning to trust my pouch... my learning and 18 months of training.... But posting there about this I got laughed at for having "such an awful problem, wish I had that problem" I just am looking for a home right now ( on OH) and thought perhaps being GRADS I could get more understanding here. Thanks for listening... Linda

Start Weight - 263
       Current Weight
  135 and making it work for ME !

Tracy B
on 2/11/08 9:58 pm - Erie, PA
Hi Linda! YES, You've found a home here!!!! You've come to the right place!!!!! I completely  understand how you feel! I've often described it as 2lbs, going to 20lbs going to 100lbs~scary, scary thoughts! Remember too that what you're feeling are VERY  normal~most of us go thru this and I believe that for some of us, it actually helps aid in our success! Fear is a powerful emotion!  Ok, so I'm a daily weigher. I have my range~I allow myself to bounce around in the 150's b/c 150 is very hard for me to maintain, 155 isn't too hard, but when I've been bad (like recently) I've been back up to 159lbs~that's my range and I hope to never get back into the 160's. So when I get to the higher end I know its time to cut back and really concentrate on what's going into my mouth. I also track my weight on a calendar so I can see the naturally fluxes in my weight~like right before I start I will be up 3lbs, but I know that will come right back off without effort in a weeks time.  I think you hit on an important point~you trained yourself for 18mths~you worked hard to replace the old, bad habits with new, good ones. I believe this will help you to be a great success!!!!!!! We can't be perfect every day, but we can strive to do our best and if we make a mistake its so important to forgive yourself and move on. Hope this helps and I hope to see you around here often! ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 2/11/08 10:11 pm - SSP, MN
Man I am a weepy mess today!!    Your response meant soo much to me!  Thank you... you just hit it all right on the head! Im not trying to be like that annoying skinny girl that says " Im so fat"  its now learning to trust me and my pouch!!! Thank God I thought to come here.  ( settles in and gets comfortable )  lol Thank you for taking the time to answer Tracy,  your beautiful by the by!! Hugs Linda

Start Weight - 263
       Current Weight
  135 and making it work for ME !

on 2/11/08 10:41 pm - Wilmington, DE
Hey, don't sweat it.  I'm also a daily weigher (known affectionately by my DH as a "scale ho.").  It helps track the trends so I don't get freaked out by the daily (hourly, minutely!) fluctuations.  Some fluctuation is normal - water weight, period weight, ate late weight, haven't had a BM weight...  I think you just need to find your range and stick within it.  Don't try to keep the scale needle pinned on 122 all the time - you might be 124 one day, 122, the next, 121 the next, and 123 the next.  As long as you're within 3-4 pounds of your "satisfied" weight, then call yourself happy. If you're out of that range, then move your body more, drink more water, and watch your intake until the number goes back down. I feel like Professor Moody from Harry Potter sometimes when I step on that scale every morning.  "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!!" is my motto...
sw:298/cw:152/no goal set

"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."  --J.K. Rowling,  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

on 2/11/08 11:55 pm - Brooklyn Center, MN
Hey, Linda - I came here yesterday for the same reason.  The MN bd doesn't understand that I am freaking because I am up7 lbs & trying to get back on track.  I did great yesterday until last evening when there was cherry laffy taffy on the table.  I snitched a few.  I am bound & determined to stop snacking!  I just get so hungry in the evenings.  And I never quite reached my goal of 150 - got to 153 but that was as close as it got.  (I don't know how you got so tiny, but I wish I could!).  Anyway - at 164 I had vowed to not get over 160 EVER.  So, I am freaking & trying to get back to where I should be.  Good to hear from you!  Call me sometime! Hugs, Laura
on 2/12/08 8:30 pm - SSP, MN
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So nice to see a familiar face here.  Yea those evil carbs! Hate them!! I need a good dumping to set me back on track... although making it happen is way to scary! Hang in there... are you still at the same place????????

Start Weight - 263
       Current Weight
  135 and making it work for ME !

on 2/12/08 12:10 am, edited 2/12/08 12:26 am
Linda, welcome to this board.......I am so sorry you were treated like that on your state board, it's uncalled for.....I don't care what one weighs, when the scale reflects a gain it affects all of us whatever that #$@#$ number may be. I was in the same situtation just recently and I am aware some people or jealous, upset and probably even think it's absurd for us to be at our weight goals (or below if that's the case) and can't understand because they for whatever reason having reached the goal they wanted....that doesn't make it our fault by any means, and it may not be there fault either. However, I guess what I'm trying to get to (with all this rattling) is that weight gain is weight gain and a concern for us too. I hope you frequent this board, I find lots of support, understanding and knowledge right here.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


.Anita R.
on 2/12/08 2:19 am - Stafford, VA
{{{{Linda}}}} You came to the right "home"...This is home for many of us. (It's my new home...Just three weeks here and feel 100% better)  I just had a 2 lb gain after losing my holiday weight and it seems just when I think I got things under control and undertand exactly what I have to do...:::::Whammo::::...2 extra lbs. It's scary when you KNOW from the past that 2 lbs (no matter what you weigh, after having a weight problem) used to mean you were on the rise to big problems.  After getting to your maintenance weight, when you see that flux...It is terrifying.   Stay and post your concerns...most of us totally understand. I know I sure do...and I have become a daily weigher lately watching that 2 lbs myself!  We can freak out together!   ::::SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAMING:::: ah...that feels better... Okay...Back to sipping water  Hugs, Anita
Carolyn L.
on 2/12/08 3:38 am - Northborough, MA
Linda, I'm going to reinterate what everyone else has said.  There is nothing wrong... and everything right about keeping yourself within a range (mine is 125 to 130) and taking IMMEDIATE action when you get outside that range.  I even watch myself a little closer when I'm at the high point of my range at the wrong time of the month or for too many days in a row.   Last week for the first time in months I went over 130 for a few days and since it was only 2 lbs over, just being more mindful has brought me back within my range.  Keeping extra mindful for at least another week or 2 (not dieting, just paying more attention to what I'm snacking on and why) will bring me comfortably back to my center.  A few weeks of mindfulness beats long periods of ignoring followed by a struggle to lose 10, 20 or 50 lbs! Welcome here.
243 /222      /135    /135 /125  

(deactivated member)
on 2/12/08 5:54 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
You've definitely come to the right place!  It's scary when you reach a point where many of us have never been -- figuring out how to maintain our weight.  Like many of the other folks *****sponded to your post, I also weigh myself every day.  I do not panic if the daily numbers fluctuate by a pound or two, but a gain of 5+ pounds causes me to look at what I've been doing and make changes.  I try not to berate myself for slight gains, but I'd rather catch it before I'm one of the folks saying "I've regained 50 pounds and don't know why.  What should I do???"  My solution to that:  (1) daily weighing, (2) daily food journal, (3) exercise 5-6 days a week, and (4) using the OH support system.   I hope you can find the kind of support you need in this forum!  Good luck on your continuing journey!! Kellie
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