Nutritional Labels - what do you look at first?
Just curious what everyone looks for first when deciding if they will eat a certain food.
I tend to look at 1) carbs, 2) calories, 3) protein......reason being is if carbs are higher than I plan for any one item, I put it away and don't even consider the calories or protein.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Jen L
on 2/11/08 11:46 am - Central, IN
on 2/11/08 11:46 am - Central, IN
I tend to just look at the protein. If I'm not getting a decent amount of protein I put it back. Probably the next thing I look at is calories.
So what is you cut off for the number of carbs you allow in a serving???
1) sugar&carbs - I always look a this, plus sugar alcohols to make sure it dosn't have so much that I get in dump mode. Dumping makes me sleepy or icky sicky neither is fun. Ditto with the carbs, too much I dump or I plateu.
2) protien - because I still struggle geting in enough and I like seeing what's in everything
3) Calories
~*~ Amber ~*~
highest weight: 335 (possibly more) pounds
current weight: holding steady at about 138-142
Lowest weight: 136
New goal: Find my balence
Hey Dana,
1. protein and fiber
2. sugar
3. carbs
4. fat (I stay away from trans fat and saturated fat) Unless it is raw meat which will have saturated fats.
Sometimes the carbs are good I look last at the carbs If it has protein and fiber and low sugar but high carbs, then I know the carbs are usually complex carbs. Usually but not always. I don't care about calories or fat. I look though. If something has more than 8-10g of fat and it's not a protein...I usually won't bother. If it has more than 18g of sugar I will I don't bother. I try to get as much fiber as possible with proteins...that are not meat or dairy.
Another thing I do is look at the ingredients quickly...If the first thing is corn syrup , sugar or hydrolyzed oils...I won't even put it in my cart. Or if it has a mile long ingredient list with nothing I recognize...The more simple the ingredients the better chances I will buy it!
I guess the order really depends on what I'm buying it for...
Cheese...I look at fat grams and calories first because I already know it's a protein...with no fiber
Fruits and veggies I really don't check at all...unfamiliar fresh foods I check for the carbs (If it's really high, it's usually starch) Otherwise all fruits and veggies are free counting anything. I do look what nutrients and vitamins they have though (free food or not...I hate empty calories...It has to offer me something good)...I try to eat five colors of fruit and or veggies...It's my personal rule...Five colors gives me a rainbow of vitamins daily. The richer the color the richer the nutrients usually ...
The only other foods I really buy are some crunchy snacks that I try to buy as whole grains or soy crisp things...and I like the new boxes of whole grain sides by Rice a Roni and other brands.
I've just been grocery shopping!!! LOL
That is probably waaaay more info than you really wanted...sorry! :::big toothy grin:::
Like Anita said, it kinda depends on what I'm wanting the food for. But in general, I'd say I look at calories 1st, protein 2nd, fat 3rd, carbs 4th. Carbs don't make me dump, so that is not a huge concern, but if I'm eating something esp. high in carbs, I try to make it something decent. For ex., the Kashi cereals--like Autumn Wheat or Cinnamon Harvest--are absolutely obscenely high in carbs (45 g./serving!!), but they are good sources of fiber (5 g.), have some protein (5 g.), and only 1 g. fat--and I love this stuff for a dry snack!!
But usually, I'm most concerned w/ total calories & protein.
Like everyone else I kind of check out everything. I definitely look at protein, sugars, carbs, calories. I don't have a huge problem with carbs as long as I stick with the good ones from whole grains, fruits and veggies b/c of my exercise schedule so I don't stress too much over them. I do like to get the most "bang for my buck" so I like to see high protein and high fiber w/hopefully low sugar, LOL!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"