on 2/11/08 6:19 am
Has anyone heard of, tried or go by the Fiber35Diet ?
I was at the nutritional store and there was a vdo on it by Brenda Watson.
Right now I do Body Fortress Whey Protein (45 g) shake but, I was
checking out the FitSmart Shakes for fiber (10g) & protein (20g).
Can anyone recommend something high in fiber & will this help my
progress & my way to achieving healthy weight loss & management ?
I'm trying to eat the right foods for my body & wanting it to become second
nature as it should be. I know that after my RNY & weight loss I never
learned how to maintain correctly & that is why I have gained...combined
with a lifestyle change due to trauma in my life.
My ideal weight is 110 lbs. I went under that however, was not healthy.
Anyways, didn't mean for this to be lengthy.
Thank you !
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal

~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"