Trying to fill the empty hole with food?
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
As you can see, you are not crazy, nor are you alone. I, too, struggled with the empty hole syndrome.
What I have realized in the 5 years since having the surgery is that it is not "all about me". When I was heavy I was very self consumed. Everything was about me....when I was going to eat, what I was going to eat, oh no...I can't fit that dress, I wish I could wear, me, me. I thought the cure for all of my troubles would be to lose the weight. What happened after that was more self centeredness. My every waking thought was about meeting "my" goal weight so "I" could be healthy and so on. I shopped til I dropped, I started going out and making new friends, going to places that gave me excitement. Hell, I was excited about life for the first time. But, at the end of the day, I still felt empty. I shopped myself into debt, drank myself into an addiction, crashed and burned. ‘All of this in the quest to fill that "hole" make me feel "okay" with me.
Understand that by day I was a logical, creative, respectable thinker. That was my "job". That is not who I was as a person, not really. I had more discipline on my job that I did in my personal life, hence my relationship with food and other substances. I guess where I am going with this is to say, I thought I had it all together, too. I have only been able to fill the "HOLE" by doing some really self analysis and being VERY honest with myself, which was to start out by acknowledging that I really didn't know who I was. I also began to develop a relationship with my higher power which completely filled the gap or hole that was once there. I realize that I have a purpose in life, and it is not about what I want or what I need. It is about helping others, being compassionate enough to sacrifice your time to do something for someone else. Being of maximum service to others has given me joy like no pair of jeans ever has. My suggestion is that you start to seek your purpose in life. Get closer to your higher power and ask for the knowledge and strength to live in a manner that will leave behind a great legacy. That doesn't mean you will become suddenly perfect, but it will help you to begin to love yourself like you have never done before. Just my 2 cents! God Bless!
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.