Pre Op Rant I guess
I think it is very wise of you to consider all of these things before surgery. You have made some very valid points. Yes, some people do have mechanical failures, such as stretched stomas or staple line ruptures. My own opinion though is that there are huge numbers of people who just become complacent. Old things do creep in, and this can happen easily. I think even many folks who have kept their weight off have found themselves going through times where the bad habits creep in and begin to wreak havoc. The good news is that once you recognize these types of things, you can make steps to correct it. Whether you need the 5 day pouch test to reset you, or any methods that may work. I will be 4 years post-op this May...and let me tell you, while I have managed to keep the weight down, it is VERY much a day to day battle at times. None of us is perfect, but I bet we are all healthier than we were pre-op.
I wasn't offended by your post...I 'get' what you mean. Ignore the nastiness. Some people don't know how to get their point across without being rude.
I don't know of anyone on this board who blames the surgery on regain. They may want to, but I think unless they are totally delusional, they ultimately will take the blame for what they are or are not doing. The majority of us will readily tell you that we got lazy about what we are eating, stopped exercising, and on and on.
I would have to say that most of us who are dealing with regain, are generally dealing with 10-20 pounds. Not everything we had lost. But there are always a few exceptions. Plus, a typical bounce back of 10% of the total lost is not unexpected.
While I do have extenuating cir****tances, severe hypoglycemia with elevated insulin levels, the 15 pounds I have gained is wholly my fault. Only I am responsible for putting food into my mouth, just like you or anyone else. No one is force feeding any of us. Unless someone has a staple line disruption, or stretched stoma, the individual is to blame, not the surgery.