Weight gain after RNY
on 2/8/08 6:36 am - Nutley, NJ
I'm not sure where to begin (again!). I had RNY in Feb 2004 without any postop complications. My weight loss all along has been slow/suboptimal, but I did lose about 95 lbs by about 9 months-down from about 300. I did have my GB out at about 6 mos post-op and have had trouble with a hiatal hernia since the procedure. The good news is that my HbA1c (indicates blood sugar control) is great. Blood pressure and lipids creeping up.
The bad news is that I just had a yearly with my surgeon yesterday and I'm back up to 255. I've been gaining for some time despite nutritional counseling and gym 3x weekly (and regular f/u with the surgeon). I've also been having some reflux and substernal pressure (not cardiac) radiating to my back, particularly in the evening after dinner, so am going for EGD on 2/25 to check pouch, stoma, etc.
I started on WW again about 2 wks ago just because I felt I needed to do something. However, the WW is hard to follow when you've been taught to eat protein first, etc. The surgeon mentioned possibly banding my RNY depending on the outcome of the EGD. I'm really torn between wanting to have a procedure that might help me to lose the again and having another procedure. I'm also a little angry at myself (and the surgeon) for letting the weight gain progress this far. But I need to move on.
Has anyone else been in a similar position? What did you do? Should I be more aggressive with this reflux/chest pressure issue? Thanks (and sorry for the rambling).
on 2/8/08 8:51 am
on 2/10/08 9:27 pm - Nutley, NJ
on 2/10/08 9:56 pm - Nutley, NJ
on 2/25/08 11:06 pm - Nutley, NJ
My surgeon suggested the possibility of band placement also, but had me go for an EGD to check the esophagus, pouch, and valve (I also have been having trouble with epigastric pain/pressure and wicked heart burn). I went yesterday and everything was normal (except for some esophageal irritation.) So, once I get the results of the biopsy next week, it's back to the surgeon. In the meantime, I started weigh****chers (lost about 10 lbs in 2.5 weeks) and went to the nutritionist (having occasional episodes of hypoglycemia). I had to do something, and at least I have to be accountable for weigh-ins. And the nutritionist and I worked out 6 small meals with protein to try to minimize the episodes of low blood sugar, which may be an explanation for why I am almost always hungry.
My point to all this... set a small WL goal to start (maybe 10 lb increments) and attempt some kind of eating program on your own. (I am now diabetic controlled with diet, which is why I don't have a problem getting the nutritionist covered by insurance.) The other thing is to MOVE! Even if it is just walking to the corner and back to start. I know for me, it's hard in the winter. But I figure no one can criticize that I don't try. Right? Beside all that, I you don't agree with your surgeon, get a 2nd opinion! And you can check to see if there are support goups in your area. I am relatively new to this board, but I believe there is an area to check for support groups. Feel free to post again or e-mail me if you want to talk more. (I believe you can send a personal message via OH.) Most of all, keep the faith!!