Why is caffiene bad

(deactivated member)
on 2/8/08 4:24 am, edited 2/8/08 4:30 am
I have an AchievOne for breakfast every morning and drink wulong tea pretty much every evening after dinner...  I do believe that, just as with everything in life, you don't want to do it in excess... yes? I did look this up and here's some of what I found by Googling:

Caffeine acts as a diuretic and may predispose you to dehydration; it also promotes peristalsis of the stomach muscles, which is undesirable in bypass patients. If you are experiencing nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, drink your beverages in between meals (not during meals). Also, try not to overeat; Eliminating caffeine may also help if you are experiencing these symptoms. Caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea should be okay in moderation unless you experience reflux; then caffeine can make this condition worse. Too much of anything, including caffeine, can have side effects. Caffeine is a stimulant, and it can interfere with the absorption of some key nutrients. Don't drink more than one cup of a caffeinated beverage (coffee, tea or diet cola). The caffeine can prevent your body from absorbing iron and cause iron-poor blood. Also, caffeine is an appetite stimulant and can make you want to eat more or snack.  Avoid caffeinated and carbonated beverages. Caffeine is an appetite stimulant, causes increased urination that may promote dehydration, and can interfere with mineral absorption (e.g., calcium).  Angie

.Anita R.
on 2/8/08 5:17 am - Stafford, VA
Angie... Who needs google when we have you!  You are always so informative and soooo organized with your info!  I wanna be like you when I grow up!   My Nut told me (4 years ago) that the acid in coffee could damage the pouch in the healing stages...Plus being a diabetic (type 2)... four years ago they were saying caffeine interferes with insulin and causes high sugar both types 1 and 2...I stopped drinking it for those reasons... But after a year, I just wanted a cup and am back to drinking it...and NOW, they are saying in moderation it's fine and is actually an antioxidant...and doesn't interfere with insulin...I find differing opinions. Coffee comes from the earth so I'm just going to drink it in moderation until it has ill affect on me...However.... I find that when I drink more than a cup, I can't drink all my water requirements...I dunno why...Since I cut back to one cup in the morning...I am drinking all my water and then some!  :::Shrugs:::: Anita
on 2/8/08 6:45 am

What about weight loss ? I heard years ago that for every cup of coffee you should have a glass of water.  ?

.Anita R.
on 2/10/08 1:41 am - Stafford, VA
I really take much of what I see...hear...read with a grain of salt.  You really can only believe half of all of it...Science...religion...politics...it's a bunch theory mixed with some facts. If you use common sense, you can figure things out yourself. (just like I did with a taste of yucca plant...I knew it was a white, potaoto looking starchy thing...but I just ate it anyway! LOL and it ended up being the starch from "hell") Just like you can't put every one who weighs 125lbs in the same jeans...You can't put the same rules to every theory. Because of our diversity and constant changes in enviroment and elements and chemicals, height and weight and genetics...everything has an altering effect on how each one of us handles anything.  There are basic guidelines and facts...but after all my years of trials and errors...I learned one thing that holds basically true...and that is if it comes from the earth or in natural form as in plant animal or fi**** probably has benefits somehow...but anything in excess can and will be dangerous.  That goes for every single thing in life. If you eat a bushel of apples everyday...You will get fat.  You can smother one person with goodness and love if they need space and you for the next person it might not be enough...All things in life are cir****tantial, I think. Balance and variety is a safe bet.   Just my humble opinion... Anita
Christine G.
on 2/9/08 9:57 pm, edited 2/9/08 10:00 pm

Hi All,

I have not posted in a long time...

Thank you, Angie - it's all good advice. Too much of anything will lead to a negative effect.  We all know we have to take our vitamins and drink enough water - I know some days I am more successful than others meetings those goals  If it's any help to those who are concerned about coffee and other caffeine-laden beverages -   According to the Nutritional Sciences Department at Cornell University there is NO scientific evidence that caffeine or coffee has negative health consequences. In fact, there are some benefits. From a recent Harvard pubilication: The latest research has not only confirmed that moderate coffee consumption doesn't cause harm, it's also uncovered possible benefits. Studies show that the risk for type 2 diabetes is lower among regular coffee drinkers than among those who don't drink it. Also, coffee may reduce the risk of developing gallstones, discourage the development of colon cancer (antioxidants), improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of liver damage in people at high risk for liver disease, and reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease. Coffee has also been shown to improve endurance performance in long-duration physical activities. That being said - heavy coffee drinking, like anything done to excess, does have negative well-being and health consequences: Caffeine, coffee's main ingredient is a mild addictive stimulant. And coffee does have modest cardiovascular effects such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and occasional irregular heartbeat that should be considered. Studies have been largely inconclusive regarding coffee and its effect on women's health issues such as breast health, cancer, and osteoporosis. But, the negative effects of coffee tend to emerge in excessive drinking so it is best to avoid heavy consumption.  I hope this has been helpful - I love my coffee! Christine

Michele T.
on 2/8/08 11:41 am - Scottsdale, AZ
My main reason not to drink caffiene-- the withdrawal headache I had post surgery was way worse than the surgery pain!  The morphiene had no effect on it all.  I thought my head was literally going to split open. After that I was determined not to become a caffiene addict again! Michele
Beth D.
on 2/8/08 1:26 pm - Northport, AL
My dr told me that for every cup (8oz) of caffiene I drink, DOUBLE the amount of water because it IS a diuretic and will eventually dehydrate (me) if I continue drinking full-on caffiene without getting in my water. That's what my dr said LOL

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on 2/10/08 2:52 am - Stanwood, WA
I don't think it is bad at all. The thing that is bad with coffee and tea is the tannic acid that is in it. It eats away at your stomach.
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