Did You Move To Lose Today?

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Yup :-) At the gym by 5:30. Thirty minutes on the eliptical machine--then a pathetic round of circuit training, followed by stretching and the sauna for a few. I've been sick since Monday. Tuesday I went in and told myself that I'd just do what I could--even if that meant only stretching and sauna. I did 20 minutes on the eliptical--which literally nearly killed me! Sweat was absolutely POURING off me...so yesterday--I slept in and didn't go to the gym. It was waaaay harder to make myself stay home than it is to make myself go--and that was a weird realization for me!! I realized that's the first work day since school started (when I haven't been traveling--which I do quite a bit...) that I haven't been to the gym. I guess I've ***finally*** made it a real habit!!
Very happy day... (even though I still feel crappy)
Hello peeps, I did my 4.5 mile power walk today. I really wish my mind didn't wander so I couls actually count the laps accuratly so I would know my exact mileage. I am pretty sure I am walking at least 4.5 miles, if not a little more. I know that I am getting my heart rate up so I am sure that I am burning this extra fat! I probebly need to add strength training soon. Maybe next week, I will have to figure out a plan. Hopefully tommorow I will see some results on the scale! I upped my caloric intake today by adding back some carbs. I think I was too low.
Moving and Losing, Dana
preop 316, low post op 166, 200 regain, 189 now, 165 goal
