reactive hypoglycemia

on 10/26/13 8:37 pm - PA

Hi Rhonda,


I didn't know if you would see that I've posted to this thread five years after you've posted.  :)


I've been hunting on OH for information on reactive hypoglycemia.  Evidently, I have developed it.  I've not had any seizures but have definitely have an ongoing serious issue.  The lowest I've ever documented my sugar was 45.  Now I can feel it when it is still in the 70's.  I saw the endocrinologist last week.  He said in the 70's was still normal.  I told him, "Not for me!"

I know that I'm just going to have to journey through this like I did the weight issue.  Perhaps because it is new, I still think my RNY was a good thing.  I made the best decision based on the information available to me at the time.

Will you please post an update?  Have you mastered this meal thing?  I can't seem to eat six meals a day that the endo wants.  It's simply too much food!  Did you have your pancreas dissected/removed?  How is everyone else out there doing???





on 11/11/13 11:25 am

Hi Karen!   Yes I do look at this site off and on :)    Sorry that you're having this issue too .. I am still dealing with it myself but I think it's for lack of a better way to word it a trade off from having had RNY and it's something I wouldn't change!  The benefits have far outweighed having this issue .. And unfortunately I have not mastered the meal thing .. Trying to eat the six meal thing has caused me grief in that my weight gain has been an issue for me :(   I carry glucose tablets with me at all times - in my purse, pant pocket, car, at work, home .. just in case .. I used to test my sugars but it's gone on for so long I know when it's happening and I just take a tablet or two .. No I did not have my pancreas messed with .. I did do a weekend fast in a hospital a few years back and that's when they said it was reactive hypoglycemia rather than nesidio .. I forget what it's called as that was a concern at first back then ..


Have you been able to figure out the right six meals for yourself?  Has your Dr suggested anything any different?  I do know that when your sugars drop they aren't fun! :)   I also get stubborn when they drop so those at my work are aware of this issue so they can also try to direct me to take my tablets when this happens .. I actually need to get back with my surgeon for follow up as it's been a couple years now and I know I need labs done .. so plan to do that in the next month or so and hope perhaps she has a plan to help me start losing again .. I know most people say "go back to the basics" however, for me I didn't have an opportunity to go through the "basics" after I had surgery since I was sick afterwards and and in the hospital for approx 6to 7 weeks and then back in the hospital for another week so for approx 4 months I was severely ill but no due to the surgery itself ..


I'd be anxious to hear what your Dr thinks or how you're doing .. Look forward to hearing back from ya Karen ..



on 11/11/13 9:57 pm - PA
Hi Rhonda,

No, I'm no closer to figuring out the six meals a day. The nutritionist was no help at all either. The endo put me on Acarbose 3x day. I've only taken it for a week so no change thus far. I do not like the 2 pound weight gain. I'm addressing that now!

Interestingly enough, the endo doesn't want me using glucose tabs. I still had to. I travel a lot for work. He doesn't understand driving 150 miles away and having a drop! I have to be functional. He keeps saying eat a graham cracker with peanut butter. That isn't always possible. (Honestly, I look at him and think...JACKASS!)

I loved you comment about getting stubborn. My coworkers and family tell me to check my sugar when I start to get impatient and snarky! LOL And you know what? They are generally right!

Please keep in touch! I'll keep you posted.



Bobbie D.
on 6/30/14 2:43 am

I'm working through this as well and thought I'd research here after my Endo said he did research that GB and seizures/hypoglycemia may have a connection. I had RNY 9/1/10. I had a grand mal seizure in the grocery store out of the blue on Sunday morning, 8/18/13. I had eaten breakfast a couple of hours earlier. My blood sugar in the ambulance was 47. My husband had helped me to the floor by my arms and I'm not sure if that encouraged the posterior dislocation and shatter of the humeral head of my right shoulder, but that certainly didn't help anything.

I suffered terrible fear of another episode and had several tests by various specialists. Nothing ever came back with an answer for the cause. I haven't had another seizure and have gotten off of the epilepsy and anxiety drugs. I try to eat protein forward but always have a small sugar source nearby and do find that if I feel funny at all that I'll have a bit of that rather than test my blood sugar. I have a fear of a reaction if I would see a low number. I spent over 3 months regaining the use of my shoulder and I can move it now but can't work out with it or it hurts for a month afterward. 

So for now I'm hoping that I can be one of the fluke one time seizures and never have another. I've read that can happen. But if I do have another, I'll go back to the Endo for sure. Best of luck to all............

on 7/30/10 2:11 pm

I had my RNY Sept 15, 2003 and then my first seizure was like around Feb of 2004 I believe .. I can't quite recall .. I have had three inside Wal-Mart and one inside JC Penney's and one on the road .. and a couple at home alone and one at my mom's .. My lows if I'm able to catch them can go as low as the 20's .. but I have caught them in the 30's and 40's and 50's and 60's .. I wasn't told I needed to check my BS every time I eat or before I eat or anything just when I wasn't feel right .. but when I'm not feeling quite right I will check my BS and it usually confirms what I'm thinking is happening .. that my BS is dropping .. but there is no rhyme or reason .. so for about 6 years I have had seizures .. and it seems as though my BS lows are happening more and more frequent .. I just don't understand it ..

I did see the endo Dr. again Monday and he confirmed it again but wanted some additional tests ran .. I was suppose to get labs done last week but put them off in case my endo Dr wanted something additional .. then I had my CT scan of my pancreas Tuesday .. but haven't heard from the surgeon .. but the endo Dr's office called and said that my labs appeared to be normal so not sure .. I should hear from him the first of next week and the middle of the week from the surgeon on my CT scan results .. would just like for this to just go away .. smile ..

I hope you don't experience the same thing .. smile .. but I know as your sugars drop they make ya not feel the greatest either .. smile .. but am glad ya haven't had the seizures .. those aren't fun .. And yes you will get to goal! smile .. Keep on doing what ya have been doing!!

Take care,
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