reactive hypoglycemia
I get shakey/fuzzy and have to eat immediately or I will almost faint.
I noticed this was more predominant while preggers too. I had gotten to goal before I had kids. Gained 50 lbs with BOTH kids. I was down to 138 but now at 163. Up 5 lbs in past few months. grrr and trying to eat healthier Bfast seems to be BACKFIRING on me! I can eat eggs/proteins etc... and have NO problem.
It also seems to be a connection with caffeine. I have a cup of caff coffee each morning with benefiber in an attempt to stay regular. I plan to start experimenting with diff combinations and measuring my blood glucose. I borrowed a glucometer.
Today I tried coffee, steel cut oats and right now waiting to see what happens.
Tomorrow I think I will try DECAF coffee and steel cut oats and compare. IF I can rule out the coffee/high fiber combination then I will just have to find something else to eat for bfast. I had yogurt and flax seed the other day without problems.
I just ate soooo much yogurt immediately after surgery that I got turned off to it! AND I crave a bowl of wheat/bran chex with milk SO bad here lately. BUT I know it is a sure thing to CRASH my blood sugar.
I have been like this since 3/07 surgery was 8/04. First time stupidity...St. Paties and drinking next day on the floor tunnel vision and sweating. It took me years to figure out with was diet related and I am in healthcare.
I went 50 below goal to 128 and didn't eat much, forgot to eat most of the time, I was actually way too small for along time. For the first year it only happened a few times, blamed my blood pressure and would sweat and pass out in the pool.
In summer of 08 decided to check my blood sugar during one of the issues...they were happeneing once-twice a month. I was in the 40's and realized what it was, dur.
I keep my med alert bracelet on, I gained some weight up to 188 in summer of 09 but found out I had MS and got put on Topamax for migraines...23lb gone in 1 month. I am now pretty normal for 5'9 154 but took myself off Topamax till recently, I am losing again.
I have the hypoglycemia happen a couple times per week sometimes, all depends on my stress....stress eater!!! I was so to the book for years and was too small, broke the rules and this happened.
I know when something is wrong now...I can go from 260 to low 40s within 20 minutes...stopped using tabs or sugar due to that. I carry peanut butter crackers and protein bars that slowly takes me up and don't have the hugh crash down for over fixing from the tabs.
Like I tell people it is a fineline controling this especially when you are a busy mom, nursing student and wear other hats. Oh and you don't have insurance ;-)
I can only blame myself for when it happens because I have eaten too many carbs or simple sugars mmm froot loops in moderation! But it is just one more thing I have to cope with so I can be smaller then 327 or 355 at my least I am off the couch most days. Well unless this stupid MS is acting up but I can't imaging being like I was with MS...I probably would of off'd myself.
But again just thought I'd update on my old post .. Hope everyone else is doing well with theirs and that they found something that helped them ..
I am 13 months post op, and have discovered that if I eat, then exercise, I feel awful. I suspected I might be hypoglycemic based on my symptoms (I've been a nurse for over twenty years), but had no glucometer to check my blood sugar. Last night I had a large meal (1 3/4 taco bell tacos and a half bag of cinnamon twists with about 6 ounces of milk), took a two mile walk and felt horrible for about an hour and a half afterwards. I wasn't sure I'd make it home.
Today I was at work and felt iffy. When I checked my blood glucose, I was at 70. The number isn't horrible, but the fact I'd been snacking and had been doing my sedentary job (not physically active) and was still that low bothered me as much as the fact I was symptomatic. So far today, I have had 8 ounces of milk at 5:30, PamT's chai from 6-6:30 (one serving), and about an ounce or two of Gordettos, a mostly baked salty crunchy snack. I hadn't had anything to eat for about an hour before. I checked my blood sugar about noon.
I don't have any caffiene other than what is in one serving of PamT's chai. I have not had any seizures of any kind.
As long as I don't eat, I feel great. Guess I'll get to goal after all. . .

While the weight loss is easier with surgery, the lifestyle is harder.
I am 7 years out from my Open RNY. I just had my first seizure 1 1/2 weeks ago. I'm seeing an Endocrinologist and waiting to see a Neurologist. Since your posting is 3 years ago, I'm wondering if you can give me an update on how you are doing. What is the latest on your health and if you have any advice for me. Thanks. Jennifer, aka Butterflygirl
Fortunately my surgeon didn't feel comfortable about that and suggested I have a second opinion which I actually finished some testing in the hospital last week and the conclusion is my diagnosis is still reactive hypoglycemia but it is considered severe due to the seizures .. I am not diabetic but they have put me on a diabetic med called Acarbose .. to take with the first bite of my 3 daily meals .. not with snacks .. so far so good .. I am going to go for a follow up next week and then again in approx 3 months .. The Dr said they are finding more and more those of us that are far out having this reactive hypoglycemia .. crazy ..
I was also getting up in the middle of the nights but not aware I was doing it .. but would find the next morning clues I had gotten up and had eaten things to evidently bring my sugars back up .. So I was apparently having sugar lows in the middle of the night unbeknownst to me ..
But again will see how the meds work .. so far it's been good but it's barely been a week and a half .. feel free to email me or something if you have any other questions or just wanna talk about it! smile ..
Hope your Dr visits go well!
I think I am getting better about recognizing the feeling of when I drop. I also get a weird flashing vision issue where I cannot see directly in front of me but images are flashing all around. I have learned if I am out to get a bottle of Coke stat and start sipping it. It works better than glucose to get out of that "I'm going down any second" feeling.
I take clonipin 10mg once a day and I also use Xanax if I feel it coming on so I imagine its also stress related. I took my working hours down to 4 days a week to try to lower my stress. I'm a single mom on my own in IsrAel raising a 19 yo son with Aspergers so in many ways its extremely stressful knowing I could go down at any time.
The worst part is the ER dxed me as syncope or fainting but I had significant cheek and tongue injuries. Problem is when I come around I am coherent and can answer questions but I don't have memory of maybe the first two hours after the seizure even though I answer the questions right and seem fine and responsive.
I also lose short term memory of about two weeks.
I carry Coke with me if I am going on a long day, glucose tablets, granola bars and chocolate for a real emergency. I keep a literal arsenal of food at work but I M also gaining weight. I am still good in the BMI but my clothes no longer fit an I have a lot of belly fat. I'm starting yoga and Pilates soon to help with that. I also am trying the 5day pouch test to cut out the easy carbs I'm eating like crackers, tea cookies, etc. fortunately in Israel fruit and veg are ridiculously inexpensive so I can eat Tom hearts content.
My conclusion is I have become a bad eater, I am sensitive to certain sugars and also milk, sugared yogurt, etc. Can still eat pudding,,,,how weird!!!! I got a copy of the glycemic index and am working to stick by thAt. Drinking protein is a actually a good choice for me since I am dehydrated a lot (and I know that has a lot to do with my problem as well.)
Bridget in Jerusalem
RNY 6/26/2009. 214 => 110 => 140 at 5'5". My goal is 125.
Hey there Rhonda! I'm working on getting approved for lap band or the sleeve. My mother had gastric bypass surgery 9 years ago and developed reactive hypoglycemia/hyperinsulinism. To this day she has to follow a certain diet or her blood sugar is very low. She has not had any seizures but it's interesting to know that this is more common than my surgeon let on in a recent information meeting. He stated this condition was very rare....yea right. So, don't know if this will help but she has a few tips she wanted to share:
1) Try to stay away from root veggies. She sticks to green stuff like asparagus, lettuce, green beans, etc.
2) She pretty much lives carb free/sugar free. The market has made huge advances in making low to no carb items and sugar free items. She can find low carb pasta in the health section and if you're craving sweets she found a sugar free box of brownies. If you need fruit, they now have packaged in the freezer cut up strawberries in a sugar free syrup. She will heat that up and top it with cool whip.
3) Protein: if you can chew it up and get it down- eat it. Try to stay away from fattier meats. Fish, moist chicken, or a greek salad are some of her favorite to eat.
4) NO bread.
5) take vitamins. That woman takes every vitamin she can find- it's ridiculous but obviously helping....
6) Glucose tablets. These save her when she is having an extreme low. She keeps them in her purse and at home. If she feels low, she takes one and within 10 minutes is back to her normal self. She doesn't do injections at this time, but does check her levels daily (especially if she's feeling low). Another thing that helps her come out of a low is a spoonful of peanut butter.
Hope this helps everyone!