I NEED help

Jasmine M.
on 2/4/08 12:43 pm - La Mesa, CA
I'm sick, and I don't know what's going on. I'm starting to think it's serious and true to bariatric style, i always think it has something to do w/that. I'm almost 3 years out. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now.  Symptoms: -strong, random waves of nausea. at first i thought it had to do with food/eating, but it doesn't. -along w/the waves, i feel dizzy and woozy sometimes -severe headaches that come and go -the headaches make my neck, jaw, and back of my lower head really sore and heavy and my eyes ache -during these "waves" (for lack of a better word), i feel weak and generally achy the nausea is the worst part. nothing makes it better. eating, not eating. drinking, not drinking.  I'm confused. I have no insurance, and don't have alot of money. I don't take my vitamins regularly. completely my fault. trust me, i know. please don't flame.  also, just a note, i've been doing slim fast lately, but this started before that. thanks so much. any ideas are much appreciated.

Jasmine Myers, joyful wife, mother, and WLS graduate of nearly 11 years. Having walked a complicated journey toward wellness, I've developed a passion for helping others find their own paths to peak health. The company I work for is conducting an important obesity-related research study. Check it out here.     

Ruth A.
on 2/4/08 3:53 pm - Letchworth Garden City, UK
GO SEE A MEDICAL PROFFESSIONAL ~ we can sympathise, but we can't tell you what's wrong.  Please seek medical attention.
Beth D.
on 2/4/08 7:20 pm - Northport, AL
This is weird, but take a pregnancy test. Sounds like you are to me.

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Robin W.
on 2/4/08 8:57 pm - Franklin, OH
The other poster might have a point.  I still had my period the first month I was pregnant. I had morning, noon and night sickness and lived on Zesta crackers for a few weeks.  If things don't get better you'll need to see  a doc.  Good Luck,  Robin

4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220 
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  Dr. Seuss

Tracy B
on 2/4/08 10:37 pm - Erie, PA
I would recommend going to your dr too~even just your pcp. When I was running into low blood sugar/hypoglycemia, I had similar symptoms. I can now control that by eating several small high protein foods throughout the day to keep my blood sugar level. That being said, the other posters thought of pg rings true too. So, that's why you should seek a dr's guidance on this. Good Luck and I hope you feel better soon!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 2/4/08 11:09 pm
So sorry that you're feeling bad. I was REALLY sick like that when I was PG. Pre-op I wasn't near as sick with my other two. If there is no chances that you are, either way, definately, go to the Dr.  Without insurance...do you have a womans clinic in your area? Some work with you...sliding scale etc. just throwing it out there-Planned Parenthood just in case- ya never know. Hope you feel better soon. Take care
Jasmine M.
on 2/5/08 12:41 am - La Mesa, CA
Thanks guys. I just had my period last week... ? Should I still take a pregnancy test? Otherwise, I would have thought the same thing. I woke up this morning with nausea as soon as I got out of bed. I was laying there thinking YEAH, i feel better. I got up to turn off the alarm and it hit me again. I don't even want to eat right now. thanks for all your help guys!

Jasmine Myers, joyful wife, mother, and WLS graduate of nearly 11 years. Having walked a complicated journey toward wellness, I've developed a passion for helping others find their own paths to peak health. The company I work for is conducting an important obesity-related research study. Check it out here.     

Robin W.
on 2/5/08 2:15 am - Franklin, OH

Yes you can still have a period and be pregnant.  I had my period and was still pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I went for a regular OB check and they did my blood work several weeks later is when they found out the REAL due date.  The funny thing was it that the doc NEVER told the hospital so when I went into labor they wanted to send me home because according to them I stil had a month to go WRONG!!!!!!! Good Luck,  Robin

4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220 
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  Dr. Seuss

on 2/5/08 2:23 am - Green Bay, WI

It could be you are PG. It could also be that you are severely vitamin deficient in some way. Or dehydrated. Don't wait. Go see a doctor. The ER has to treat you even if you don't have the money to pay them. And commit to taking those vitamins twice a day with a sublingual B12 daily. It can't hurt and it might help especially if you are PG.

~~ Judy ~~

That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
on 2/5/08 2:29 am - a city, CT
I would say check your blood glucose level.  Slim fast is so loaded with sugar. Just a thought. Koukla
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