Blood work
When you say a serving of grapes, what do you mean cause I can eat a bowlful easily. Here is an example of what I eat everyday. A bagel with cream cheese, and 2 cups of decaf coffee with cream and equal. I usually dont eat lunch, if I do its munching on something or a protein bar(they are so high in sugar). Then dinner I can eat a chicken breast baked with shakenbake. Veggies and maybe a salad. Then at night I have my popcorn and diet sierra mist. That is all I drink in a day . I am not really online that much to use fitday. I looked at it before, but it kind of looked kind of difficult. It seems so hard to keep track of everything. Do you think if I up my protein I will lose some weight? What can I take to get in more protein. I cant stomach the drinks, and the bars seem so high in sugar. What do you mean by 40-50% of total calories. How do I figure that out? Im sorry that I seem so lost.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Hey! 150 lbs! Good for you...You look great (saw your photo)....but Yeah...Dana is so right...bagel's and popcorn...used to be a decent foods for weightloss before surgery....after surgery...Not a good choice...( I LOVE bagels too) Every once in a while I eat a half. But moderation is really the key. I always eat breakfast though...Some days I'll grab a small handfull of almonds, a yogurt and a banana. Lately, I've been trying to cut my caffeine down so I needed some good carbs for an energy breakfast and that is how I came up with that hot cereal recipe. <-- good carbs Dana and I do the same thing...Look for the high proteins 6g and up is wonderful! And some fiber is good too... Low carbs (if it is snack type food) I don't include anything that nature makes as a bad carb EXCEPT potatoes, yes french fries too :::Crying::: popcorn and rice. I don't deprive myself hardly ever...If I want something...I'll taste it...I had a glass of wine with dinner and blew away my carb counting....It's not gonna kill me! LOL (Unless I drink two glasses then I fall down!) Just try to eat meat first...then veggies and fruits and then if you gotta have your starches and rices and pasta, do it in moderation. You certainly have been successful, but staying healthy is a good idea too...Drinking water keeps your skin nice and vibrant too. I don't care much about fat, but I eat the good kind...non animal or processed fats. (lard, bacon fat, crisco or anything that has trans or saturated fats) Most vegetable fats are much better for you, such as oil and canola (my two first choices and easy to find). I love to eat healthy stuff...But sometimes I just wanna pick on the stuff I know isn't a good choice. Be careful though...It can be a really hard thing to get control over....I know! Good luck and stay and post and learn.....If you are taking your advice from Non weight loss friends....DON'T!!! They don't understand that your stomach doesn't work like theirs does! And that is probably why you are so confused. If you have any questions post them...Someone or two or 10 will give you a variety of ideas and answers to work with... Good luck Anita