Any regrets?

on 2/4/08 2:22 am - Corinth , MS
VSG on 07/31/13
Hi, Im Michelle and I am just starting down the WLS road. I have been overweight most of my life and obese the last 10 yrs.  I feel WLS is the right move for me, but I am wanting to read and research everything!! So my questions to all you grads is this, Do you have any regrets? Would you do it again? Do you recommend it to others?
on 2/4/08 2:37 am - Green Bay, WI
Regrets? My only regret is that I didn't know all my options before I decided which WLS to have. I think I would have had the same WLS if I had known - RNY. I do wonder if DS would have been better since, apparently, it lets you eat anything without the worry of regaining weight. I have absolutely no self control when it comes to food. Since I only had just over 100 lb to lose though, the doctors would probably not have done it. It sounds like it is for people with more weight to lose than me. Would I have done it again? Yes. I feel much healthier now. I can walk and run and climb stairs for as long as I need or want. I didn't know how much I was missing before WLS. Would I recommend it to others? Yes. But do research and make sure you know what you're getting into. For me, the first month after surgery was absolute hell -- pain, head hunger, unable to eat or drink most anything. I look back now and think it was worth it but I wasn't aware of how hard it would be. There wasn't much I could do to prepare for it but it would have been nice to know it was coming.
~~ Judy ~~

That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
on 2/4/08 2:45 am
The ONLY REGRET I have is I wanted so long to have WLS.  I feel absolutely wonderful, my health is great. Yes I'd do it again in a heartbeat without any reservation.  Recommend.........follow the program, know that it's work, don't expect something wishes!

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 2/5/08 11:21 am - McMinnville, OR


Why it's little Dana!!

hey, today is my 3 year surgiversary which means yours is right around the corner!!


 Hammock There are good things to be said about recouperation in the summer......

on 2/4/08 2:51 am - MN

Hi Michelle, This is one of the best things I have ever done in my whole life.  I have been overweight most of my life but had really put on weight in the past few years.  I have fibromyalgia also which as I ballooned up steadily got worse. Now that I've lost approximately 140 pounds, I feel fabulous.  I do Aqua jogging 3 times a week and do a weight training session 2 to 3 times a week.  My fibro is much better and don't very often have to take any pain meds where I took them 4 to 6 times a day before.  I dreaded walking out to my car at night because I knew how painful it would be.   I recommend this surgery to anyone who will listen but it isn't a cure-all you have to work at it everyday especially after the weight stops falling off.  So if you are not committed to making a life long change this is not the surgery for you.


Hopes this helps.  Feel free to PM me with any questions



Beam me up Scottie
on 2/4/08 3:26 am
No regrets ...I love my was the best decision I could have ever made, and while I would have liked to been free from obesity earlier in life, I honestly don't think I was in the mental or finanical situation to handle a WLS prior to when I had it.  the quality of life post op is pretty terms of livign with the surgery.  There is enough restriciton to prevent me from eating a house.......but not so much that I can't enjoy a big mea (although still smaller then my preop days).  The malabsorbtion part of surgery allows me to eat pretty much whatever I want.  I've been at goal for about 6 months now, and I don't count calories, carbs, or fat....I do keep a quick tally of protein grams in my head...but thats more for a weight lifting thing then for the DS.   You can read my profile if you want more information. Good luck on your journey!!!!!! Scott
Tracy B
on 2/4/08 5:31 am - Erie, PA
Hi Michelle! I am just over 3yrs post op and thrilled that I had wls!!!! No regrets here and I'd do it again in a heartbeat! If asked, I definitely recommend it to others.  You are on the right track with doing research research research!!!!! Good Luck to You!!!!!!!!!!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

Just Valena
on 2/4/08 5:31 am - Nunyabizness
Having WLS is the best thing I have ever done MYSELF, hands down. I'd do it again in a HEARTBEAT.




on 2/4/08 5:34 am - Glendora, CA
No regrets here! Even with the complications I've had. Would I recommend it, you bet!  I'd also go through it all again if need be.
I know I can, I know I can
.Anita R.
on 2/4/08 5:40 am - Stafford, VA
Hi Michelle, Yes I'd do the RNY again, without a second thought...Only I would have looked into the options that I didn't know were out there....Like where my scar was going to be or how they went in and did all the re-arranging that they do.... I have this 4-5 inch vertical scar that isn't so bad...but my friend has two little punctures in his side and had the same RNY with my doctors partner! ...I was Pissed!  I never even thought there was any other way.  Anyway...I like my scar....It's my battle wound!  I think any of the downfalls are worth being thin and healthy again. My health has improved 100 % including my mental health!  I had  ~Thyroid disease ~Diabetes  ~Arthristis and walked with a cane...barely (actually I fell more than I walked...) ~I had a hiatal hernia ~Severe acid reflux that burned almost all the way thru my throat ~All kinds of weird problems...which I will put in my profile one day (i did my profile twice and lost it by hitting the wrong button...TWICE!! ARRRRGGGGHHHH) ~Depression ~Lack of self esteem ~Chronic colds ~hard time breathing Since RNY...It's all gone...all of it.. So I have to eat right? Take vitamins? I have a scar? I'm lactose intolerant and can only eat 18G of sugar without vomiting....I still struggle a little with a bit of weight gain during the holidays...I added youth too my looks and feel...I can move again. I can wipe me own arse and tie me own shoes again!  LOL It's awesome!   hmmmm? No brainer for me!  RNY gave me back my life... Good luck....Find which one is the right fit and do it if you think you can live with it...I know I can! Anita
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