Well, carbs seem to be the culprit for me. I've seen the couch and guest room more than a few times! :::Whew::::it can get downright nasty. I have tried probiotics and they work good...but you kinda defeat the purpose if you are constantly eating sugars and white flours...I cut WAAAAAAY back on carbs and it made a world of difference...I had RNY, but I have a feeling it doesn't matter when it comes to gas...It is what it is! LOL
Hugs :::While pinching nose::::
Oh no...not you....
I just farted, sorry!
Anita (Just kidding)
Mary, we had different surgeries but from what I understand with both the RNY and DS that carbs = might want to look at what you are eating and see if you can tell what is causing the gas issue.
I know my family is ready to run when it gets bad.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Girl...I am right there with you.
We have been traveling this weekend 10 hours each way and we had to roll down the windows several times both ways. It got so bad, that we pulled over to a gas station that looked 'decent' to me. They had private bathrooms not a big communal one THANK GOD. What I had to do was put my purse on the floor and use it as my pillow. Then I laid down and got into the 'gyno' position and it just all came out in a hurrty. In about twenty minutes time I had honked my way to freedom. That can't be a quality of life really, but it was because I didn't pack my gassy girl survival kit. I use Extra Strength Chewable GasX...2 at a time. And I take Devrom for the odor two pills twice a day. I have to do this everyday to feel ok. But...they really do work!
Good luck