3Hour glucose tolernace test

on 2/1/08 1:00 am - erie, PA
I have a question has any one had to have the 3 hour glucose tolerance test. For reactive hypoglcemia. And if so how much of the orange( yuckie stuff where you able to drink.) Within the 5min that they allowed you to drink it. The glass had 20 oz of this nasty gross orange stuff in it. I was only able to drink around 12 oz of it which they freak. I first explain that I had been fasting for 14 hours and that I did not feel good because. I came to them with a blood sugar of 31. Then I also explained to them about having sugar. But they did not help matters because they draw the blood before I drank the stuff and then after that every half hour for the first hour and a half. Then once that was done I had two more blood draws at a hour a part. But trust me they where nasty and called the dr who over see the lab and he had no clue what to do. But then called my dr which in turn told them to keep doing it. And she had to explain for a hour why they where lucky to get what they did in me. And to expect my blood sugar to run low. Seeing how I had to visit the queens room at least four times why I was there. Okay some may be wondering why I let them run this test on me. The reason is that over the last 5 week. I changed my diet from eating carbs and eating protein and things that I should not have been eating. To soy protein three times a day. Fresh fruits and fresh vegs and back only on fish and no meat expect for once a month. But the sad part is when I switched over is when. I start having issues a hour and a half after I eat my blood sugars drop down to the low 50's. Yes I do exercise five times a week which I have been since right after surgery Taichi.
on 2/1/08 3:11 am - marion, AR
I just did this on Halloween. I went in with normal blood pressure and my blood sugar was 77. I had to drink all of it with it the required time. 25 mins after I had the worst dumping ever since by RNY in 2001, I was confused sweating shaking freezing my speech was slurred I was dizzy and started to pass out.......ok.....I was then told if you vomit we have to re- schedule you.....so I held it down.....blood drawn.....ok....feeling better....wait wait wait....blood drawn....then BOOM...like poop through a goose.....my blood sugar dropped to 31 and my blood pressure dropped so low they got a wheel chair and was going to take me to the hopsital............. I was made to drink tea and eat crackers and then lay down as I have a 45 min drive home alone. To their shock and amazement I am hypoglycemic................blah............its true.  I was having those episodes off and on in the last year. I do not have follow up with a surgeon for my RNY as I have moved across the country.  I will not do it again, the endcrinologist agreed it is not the test for me....my blood pressure dropped due to the volume of blood they take.....so he claims..........for me it was an omen, I was having a three hour BLOOD  test taken on HALLOWEEN by people often referred to as VAMPIRES in an area of town called WOLFCHASE

 5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(

on 2/1/08 5:12 am - erie, PA
tabstattooed OMG I agree what a omen to have it done that day and where you live and they are called vampires. So they tell you what you should do to help your blood sugars, Stay in the normal range.I know imo it is a scary thought what our bodies goes thur during this test. And how some of them do not understand that we dump on some thing with that much sugar in it. My place back here still things my caused by a eating disorder. Because of how many times I had to visit the restroom.AT least one good thing where you went they checked your blood sugar and blood pressure before they did the test and when you got sick there . And offered you some thing to eat. Back here they do not do a blood sugar or check your blood pressure. I only found out by mistake that mine was low. Due to the eye problems I was having. Plus being so cold and shaking . Like a frozen leaf on a icy cold day lol. I wish you the best of luck and that you are also able to find a new Dr that works with RNY ppl. Take care Taichi
Not the Same Dawn
on 2/1/08 4:25 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
See now, I'm scared to death to do a test like this to prove to them I'm hypoglycemic. I'm going to insist they have me do this test AT THE HOSPITAL. And I will ask them before hand for the name and number of their attorney because we're going to sue their asses off if I black out.. I may have THEM sign a release before I do the test.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 2/1/08 5:35 am - erie, PA
Missus Little's The only thing I can say to you if they want to do. The test is to make sure some one goes with you. Trust me check out where the restroom is. Because once the dumping feeling comes on. In my case it did not give you much time to go to the rest room. I know my dr was not to thrilled when I asked her to order the test. Because she already knew how bad I would dump from it. But like she said she needs to know. Why my blood sugars are dropping the way they do. That is the only reason why and if they where dropping only down to the 70's she would not had allowed them to do the test on me. Yes I regret asking to have the test done only because of the dumping and how low my blood sugar was when. I walked into the lab that day; Seeing how back here you have to fast for 12 hours before the test and can not eat for another 3 hours until the test is done. And back here they had no clue what my blood sugars where like the whole time. Because they have to send them to the main lab and it going to be a week before they know what is really going on with me. But trust me I check my sugar on the meter I have at home to make sure I do not let them go below 80. And hopefully if you do have to have it done they can do it at the hospital. I know back here my insurance would only pay for it to be on a off site lab. Have a wonderful nite Taichi
Not the Same Dawn
on 2/1/08 6:42 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA

That's too easy. I'll ask for a trash can and barf in their hall way...that will go over alot worse than going to the restroom..I already know how low my blood sugar drops. I had a tester and took my blood sugar at home after having bread once when I had a hint about what it was. Reactive Hypoglycemia...

Good thing my doctor listens to me. We have a really good relationship so I don't think the barfing test will be necessary..But if it is, I'll be ready.

Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 2/1/08 6:11 am - marion, AR
They told me to go on a low glycemic diet and take meds at my meal called GLYCET......I have not even started the diet or the meds.....too much stress right now and since oct I have only had one low episode. Low glyc diet does not appeal to me.....but I will lose more weight.......or at least I should. good luck tammy

 5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(

~ Stylz ~
on 2/1/08 12:54 pm - North of Boston, MA
my endocronoligist told me GTT testing is for hypoglycemics, because RHG is stopped by eating protein, drinking high sugar drinks for them to see your insulin will rise isn't beneficial.  Furthermore, my WLS surgeon is completely against it seeing that you'll dump from the sugary drinks.  Sounds like a day of misery to me... dumping on shakes and crashing due to low sugar?? I'll pass thanks! RHG can be figured out by process of elimination.  are you eating "white foods" and your blood sugar is dropping 2 hours later (white flour, white potatoes, white bread, rice, sugars)?  Can you bring your blood sugar up within 20 minutes by eating protein?  You've started narrowing down your problem.  try journaling to see what foods are making you "crash" so you know what foods to avoid.  My wls nutritionist, a few hypoglycemia books and few internet RHG sites recommend eating every 3 hours which helps keep your blood sugar stable. If you like peanut butter, its good to keep handy since its protein, doesn't need refrigeration and will raise your blood sugar. my endo told me to start taking chromium picolinate, I take it daily and not only have my crashes come to a minimum, but  I no longer have to eat every 3 hours to keep my blood sugar stable.  good luck :)

post - op 261.2/current 124.2/goal 125

~~~  down 137 pounds  ~~~


"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."

Deb K
on 2/1/08 1:48 pm
Hi, I am reading your post and I have been having low blood sugars, How much Chromium picolinate are you taking??? I so hate the lows and with being almost 3 yrs. out it is taking a toll on my strength and I am so tired most of the time. I will be talking to my surgeon soon and see what he says. Thanks for the information and I will be watching out for the "White" stuff. God bless. deb k
Deb K
~ Stylz ~
on 2/2/08 6:45 am - North of Boston, MA
hi Deb K I've been tired lately too and am thinking its my iron!  I see my Dr. next month for my 2 yr surgiversary till then I'm going to add some beef to see if it helps.   As far as how much Chromium I take.. I take 1-500mg pill a day.  I can't tell you how much its helped my RHG!  you know the toll "crashes" take on you when they happen (sometimes you're still feeling it the next day), I don't feel like that anymore and not HAVING to eat to avoid crashes every 3 hours is such a great feeling!  That was one thing that made me very nervous (we had surgery to lose weight and here I am eating every 3 hours )  I'm glad its under control now, not to mention not having your RHG or Hypoglycemia under control is very taxing on your organs.  The sooner you figure a way to avoid spikes and drops in your insulin the better off you are. heres a link to a very longggg post, as I mentioned before I did a lot of testing out on my own to understand what was happening to me.  Many post-ops added their struggles as well! http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_grads/a,messageboard/b oard_id,5491/cat_id,5091/topic_id,3453812/action,replies/ heres a great book I read on hypoglycemia.  there aren't many books out there that have info on RHG, but this one had some great points. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_grads/a,messageboard/a ction,replies/board_id,5491/cat_id,5091/topic_id,3481009/pag e,1/#27204960 good luck with everything! :)

post - op 261.2/current 124.2/goal 125

~~~  down 137 pounds  ~~~


"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."

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