Fage Greek Yogurt
If your grocer only stocks the full-fat version, ask them to add the fat-free and 2% versions to their shelves. I ask my grocer to do that, and they can hardly keep the stuff in stock! A lot of people have discovered this product, and they sell a lot of it. I shop at a smaller local grocery chain, so they are pretty accommodating. Hopefully your grocer can help you out as well! Kellie
Kellie, I live out in the boonies...although it is finally getting some growth and probably too much too fast, but lemme tell you about my grocery store... Up until last year, there was a tobacco aisle dedicated to "Chew" and cigars and all kinds of weird chewing and snuffing and smoking stuff. But they never heard of Kashi Cereal, Fennel or artichokes. Even Coca Cola has their own area soda out here that you can only get here! In the baking section, you can still find gallon tubs of...LARD!!! Yes...LARD....Pure animal fat for cooking...Oh yes...and at any given time I could have to wear a blindfold to not see some dead animal tied to the front of someone's truck who stopped for the very large selection of chewin' tabacka... It's not that bad anymore...but it used to be...The price you pay to get outta the city. Once standing in line some drunk dude put his head on my shoulder and said "mama, you smell good enough to eat"...I almost moved to another state. LOL I don't wear Channel #5 in the grocery store anymore...I'm not joking!!! So my point...can you imagine me asking these folks if they can order me some 2 % F-A-G-E because I'm minding my waist:::::snickering:::: I travel an hour and a half to the DC area for a Wegman's or Trader Joe's (about half that distance). I don't mind leaving here as often as possible! LOL It's real perty here though! hahaha Anita