Arthritis AFTER WLS?
Someone told me there was a discussion on here a while back about a type of Arthritis that is popping up in people after weight loss surgery. I've searched the archives, but didn't find anything yet. So I thought I'd put the question out there again. Does anyone have any info on this? I'm suffering terribly and they are treating me for Rhumatoid, although my labs don't report RH. I do however look and feel like a rh paitient. HELP!?
Tips, advice, heck, just knowing I'm not alone! I can't find anything on google, etc....
I'm not a doctor and I don't play one online either (hehe) but many things that happen Post Op are things that just happen with age or heredity and have nothing to do with your surgery. Still you should find out first by a doctor. I had severe arthritis in my knees before surgery and occassionally in my hands and feet. After surgery it mostly disappeared. I get strange new aches and pains all the time. I noticed my husband and I have a lot of the same I pretty much know it's our age (43). Been married 23 years to the same guy and we do the same things.
If something new and weird shows up I ask my parents if they had or have anything similar and sure dad has the same charlie horses and muscle cramps as me...and he didn't have any surgery. I work my muscles far too hard sometimes and this also causes me achy joints.
Anyway, all I can offer is a remedy that has helped..."BluEmu cream"...absolutely amazing stuff. I use it on muscles and arthritic knees...It has no menthol smell and no greasy feeling, doesn't stain...but it is blue and stays blue on the skin and no yucky smells. It works instantly as soon as you rub it on your skin. I get it at walmart or anywhere...It's a little pricy, but works for taking all the pain or the edge off severe pain. Do a google search on it to see what others say about it. I love it...
Good luck and hope you find a solution,
Yes...You do...and I just checked again...It's there! :) Try this site for starters.
Blu Emu is am Emu Oil based cream (Emu is an Ostrich family bird, you know those giant goofy look birds with long necks?) It's oils are as amazing for many ailments...Pain is one because the oil from the emu can penetrate many layers of skin bringing relief straight to the source of pain. Emu oil in other bases are good for wrinkles and scars and all sorts of problems. I swear by the stuff. Don't use Blu Emu on your face though...Some versions have red pepper in it! I learned that the hard way!
Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease and can strike anyone. The doctors don't know enough about what causes them, but there are some good treatments for many of them. If your RH factor is not high, but they are still treating it, I would see a good rheumatologist (if you aren't already) to find out what's going on. Have they prescribed prednisone for you? It's a miraculous pain reliever if is rheumatoid in nature. I have a little experience with some autoimmune disease, as my daughter is a sufferer. I hope you're feeling better soon; I've seen how painful that disease can be.