Hate Myself
when I first read this my 1st thought was he must be joking because everything I have ever read from you was always so positive....so Im gonna ask...are you doing research or something.??
My second thought....he is complaining about 175., 175 for most men is skinny... here I am still dreaming about maybe reaching 180 which was my goal that in over 4 years I have not been able to reach.
Third thought, boy if he is serious i can feel his pain....I started at 360 got down to 205 and satyed there for 2 years no matter what I did....I could eat like a hog or exercise & diet and stayed the same....then last summer for no real reason BAMM scale said 196 and stayed there pretty much no matter what I did. For 4 months now I have been hitting the treadmill, watching what i eat and "being a good girl" well dont ya know my home scale said 205 yesterday morning...I wanted to die....wanted to take laxatives...wanted to eat like a hog. I am so angry and hating my body.
All I can offer you is this...If you were able to get to your goal and stay there I am sure you can do it again.
Good luck
It is like you were reading my mind. I have been exericising, walking, and really pushing myself. I have been eating protein first, veggies and then I get on the scale this morning at it says 207??? WTF??? I was very upset and wanted to eat everything in sight. But I had some fruit instead. I couldn't understand that I was just 196 Monday, and now, this morning 207??? I walked for an hour and 15 minutes each day, and get all my water in and then some. I just don't get it. But, I guess we can't give up. \

Don't hate yourself! Anyone who has a success is afraid of gaining weight! The feeling of gaining is just terrifying... Have you tried the 5 day pouch test? First 2 days only liquid protein, day 3 is only soft protein, day 4 and 5 are solid protein - gets your pouch to feel tight - no "slider" foods - I recommend it - it gets you psyched again and in control - in only 5 days! Google the 5 day pouch test - there is a lot out there on it - many success stories too. It's better than hating yourself!