a WOW moment this far out!
I thought I was done having WOW moments but I guess you can have them anytime and choose to see them. Yesterday I went to a bar mitzvah for a friend and her son. I decided before I went that my strategy was going to be to enjoy the ****tail hour, ignore the meal and choose a dessert and savor it. My plan worked out very well. For those of you that don't know me, dancing is my chosen means of exercise and I indulge in it every opportunity i can! I danced every dance, i danced through dinner with the 13 year olds, I danced through the salad course, through the pasta course, it didn't phase me because I didn't want it and I was dancing. As the evening was drawing to a close, somneone on the bar mitzvah boys fathers side asked me if I was a hired dancer or was I an invited guest. A HIRED dancer...good night nurse that's fabulous, who'd have thunk it? I said nope i'm just a good friend and we both laughed. Gosh that made me feel so good all night long. I indulged in a wonderful piece of tri-color marzipan in chocolate with sprinkles, it was delicious and I had a cup of really good decaf after that. It made me feel good to have a plan and stick to it. It made me feel wonderful that people did not recognize me. It made me feel awesome that someone could have thought I was a hired dancer. ANDI
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer