pooping question for grads

Weston and Gage's
Gr M

on 1/27/08 7:12 am - O'Neill, NE
Oh how I can relate to this problem. When I do go, which is maybe 2 times a week it is hard and tiny. (I know TMI) Where does the food go??? I have thought about trying a laxative, and I may have to. I am 3 years out and so far it isn't getting any better. I tried the stool softeners, but they never did the trick for me. Am going to try the smooth move tea and see how it works. Rhonda
Love ya all!!  Weston and Gage's Grammie M.                           
Rhonda M.     312 surgery/162 very briefly/ 172 maintaining
                                     Surgery 1/18/2005



on 1/27/08 7:19 am - NJ
did you ever talk to your doctor about this? i am so scared that this will be the rest of my life. it is so damn painful sometimes.
Weston and Gage's
Gr M

on 1/27/08 7:55 am - O'Neill, NE
I did talk to my dr.  She suggested colace.  I need something to make me regular, Not really a softener. Rhonda
Love ya all!!  Weston and Gage's Grammie M.                           
Rhonda M.     312 surgery/162 very briefly/ 172 maintaining
                                     Surgery 1/18/2005



jackie j
on 1/29/08 1:31 am - Glenmoore, PA

What you need is PERI-colace which is different than colace.    I, myself, have had this problem and this worked.   I've recommended it to many and it worked for them too.   Give it a try.   Take 2 peri-colace morning and night until it helps you go easily (probably 3-4 days tops to feel clear).   Then back it off to 1 pill am and pm until you are going regularly and then to 1 a day.   You may even be able to go off them completely.   Make sure you are taking in a minimum of 64oz of water a day and if you are taking in caffeine in any way, cut it back by 1/3.   My hospital recommended Fiber-Stat (2oz.) in conjunction with the above and it was lovely.   It is made for recommended for bariatric patients; you can get it here:  http://www.nutritiondirectusa.com/liquidfibert.html

Debra Welker
on 1/27/08 7:23 am - Kaukauna, WI
I drink the smooth move tea almost everyday as a matter of fact getting ready to have one now. I didnt like the chocolate, doesnt taste like chocolate at all. I usually drink mine now because we dont eat supper until about 7:00 so it kinda ties me over. It takes a good 8 hours to work, and doesnt cause stomach cramps like normal laxatives, Deb
on 1/27/08 7:26 am - NJ
any particular store to buy it at?
on 1/27/08 9:01 am - Southeast, MI
I didn't have any major problems with constipation until I had plastic surgery.  I needed to take pain medication for several weeks, and had absolutely horrible constipation, even with taking stool softeners and Dulcolax laxative. Once I stopped the pain medicine, I started taking a daily fiber supplement.  I found they are not all the same, some brands will work for you when others won't.  I tried Benefiber first, and it caused me to have such large, hard stools that I plugged up my toilet on a routine basis!!!!!  I switched to a daily morning glass of Metamucil, and have done much better with regularity.  I also drink large amounts of water early in the day, usually 32-48 ounces before lunch.  This usually brings on a daily BM.  I don't have the need for any other stool softeners or laxatives.  The Metamucil has the added benefit of reducing cholesterol. Good luck, Debra M.
Debra Welker
on 1/27/08 9:25 am - Kaukauna, WI
Im not sure what stores you have where you live. Im in wisconsin and buy it at a local ownd store callled woodmans or at copps , or pick n save.
on 1/27/08 11:01 am - Walnut Creek, CA
I'D KILL FOR CONSTIPATION!!!! I've been riding the D train (Diarrhea- cha cha cha) for 3+ years!  Wow... solid BM's.... that's a dream of mine.  Really... I dream of solid movements.
Beam me up Scottie
on 1/27/08 11:48 am
You've had Dhr for 3 years? didn't your surgeon give you any suggestions to control it?   What have you tried? Scott
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