pooping question for grads
What you need is PERI-colace which is different than colace. I, myself, have had this problem and this worked. I've recommended it to many and it worked for them too. Give it a try. Take 2 peri-colace morning and night until it helps you go easily (probably 3-4 days tops to feel clear). Then back it off to 1 pill am and pm until you are going regularly and then to 1 a day. You may even be able to go off them completely. Make sure you are taking in a minimum of 64oz of water a day and if you are taking in caffeine in any way, cut it back by 1/3. My hospital recommended Fiber-Stat (2oz.) in conjunction with the above and it was lovely. It is made for recommended for bariatric patients; you can get it here: http://www.nutritiondirectusa.com/liquidfibert.html