pooping question for grads
I'm six months out and have major problems with constipation. Have done laxatives, stool softners, fiber, fiber therapy, enemas, yoga.... and the list goes on and on.
I'm dealing with this right now but my question is will I still have this problem years out? Does this get better over time?
Thank you in advance for your help.
I hope some long term post ops respond as well.
I am almost two years out and I still have a problem with this. Doctors (not surgeon and his team) keep asking if I have loose stool from the surgery. They are mostly surprised that I have just the opposite problem.
Actually, I go from 'dumping syndrome like' diarrhea to awful constipation. I take a stool softener each day and hope for the best.
I was exactly like you at 6mths out and in terrible pain. I ended up at the colon/rectal surgeon b/c I had done so much internal damage to myself from the constant constipation. I did end up going on Zelnorm which helped greatly, until it was given a bad rap for heart problems so I discontinued that right away. Now, at 3yrs post op, I do pretty well controlling it thru diet~I eat the original fiber one cereal daily (not the best tasting stuff, but it really does help) and also daily exercise helps. I still do 3 stool softeners every night. I also shoot for 100oz of liquids daily. I know alot of people swear by magnesium and there is a new medication on the market~Amitiza, althought I don't know much about it. Have you tried MiraLax or Lactulose??? I was put on both of these before the Zelnorm and had some success with them, although others have great success with both.
My best advice is don't give up! Keep working with your dr's until they find a workable solution for you. It seems that what works for one person, doesn't do a thing for someone else, so its alot of trial and error. Good Luck!!!!!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
I don't see where the Amitiza would hurt anything after surgery, but its getting the dr to the point of trying everything else before they will prescribe it~that was my experience with the Zelnorm~it was like the last resort. I have used the smooth move tea many times, but its more of a laxative effect (for me) so not something my system could handle on a daily basis. The stool softeners will really only work once you get cleared out and get everything moving~they are more of a preventative measure once you're going well. If you haven't tried the MiraLax it might be worth a shot. I really feel for you b/c I know your pain!!!!! Good Luck!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
I am 3 years out and have suffered from constipation with various remedies working for awhile then my body would just get "immune" to it again. I am currently doing the best I have ever done and am on Chromium Forte a prescription iron/vitamin. Makes no sense that this keeps me regular but it does. I take it on a empty stomach then a few hours later "success". I also get fairly regular exercise and drink lots of fluids.I found alternating my other therapies helped more than sticking to one. I would do benefiber and stool softener, then Miralax and stool softener. I also had a short run with Zelnorm and then it was recalled. I tried Amitiza and it was slightly helpful but the cost did not outweigh the benefit to me. I still take stool softener and I also like Tracy eat Fiber One daily( mixed with low carb yogurt). I never tried the magnesium but it sounds cheap and helpful, you might want to try it. I also had a colonoscopy to rule out any problems.

I have had this problem all my life and even more since WLS. I dont eat cereal at all but I do use a herbal laxative tea. There are 2 differant ones that I have tried one is called "smooth move " and the other is "get regular". canny names ha. They have really helped me, I drink a cup a day and keeps me regular and also counts as water because they are decafanated. You can find them in the regulat tea department at your local grocery store. Also daily exersice ( walking ) and drinking lots of water really help keep everything moving. If my stomach is upset I will use the milk of magnesia and that helps and is safe. Good luck, Debra