
MC266 - Michele C.
on 1/26/08 5:05 am - Folsom, CA
I am sick all of the time.  If I'm in the same room with someone ill I can guarantee I'll have it within a day or two.  No week or ten day period incubation for me. When I've lost weight in the past I was much healthier.  The last time I lost a significant amount of weight was with WW and I never got ill.  It was amazing how much stronger my immune system was.   This time I've lost a lot more weight and my immune system seems to have crashed.  Today I have the flu with a 100 degree temp. again.   Any idea why this is happening?  Any idea of how I can fix it?  I haven't been exercising, could this be the culpurate?

on 1/26/08 5:27 am - Jax Beach, FL
You are not alone on this one. I get sick a lot too.  Basically your internal working are kinda working a bit harder than it use to have to and sometimes it forgets to catch up with itself so to speak! LOL.  Exercising is a great help with this type of  issue because through exercise you are not only using muscles you don't normally use but you are breathing harder and your blood is pumping more.  Through these things doing its thing so to speak your body is like OH OH YA I forgot those were there and then your immune system catches up with itself. If all else fails and you still have this issue I would consult your doctor on this just to make sure that something internally is off so to speak. God Bless
on 1/26/08 5:54 am
Michele, sorry to hear you have the flu, hope it doesn't stay around long. For me I haven't had really any illnesses in over 2 years.  Did you have surgery, what type if so?  When did you have your last labs done?   Just something to think about, maybe you have a vitamin deficiency?

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 1/26/08 6:08 am - Toms River, NJ
Since I had surgery, I actually get sick less.  I fake sick to miss work a few times a year b/c I'm tired of working all the time.  lol
MC266 - Michele C.
on 1/26/08 6:33 am - Folsom, CA
I would love to be able to fake sick to get off of work!!! I had the VG which is the verticle sleeve gastrectomy.  It just removes part of the stomach and doesn't touch the intestines.  It's kind of like the band except the extra part of the stomach is removed from the body. It is time for me to see the dr. for my annual test.  I'll made sure to get the blood test this week.  It would be wonderful if it was something as simple as a vitamin deficiency that could be remedied with a pill!!!

Beam me up Scottie
on 1/26/08 2:30 pm
Do you take any suppliments? I know the VSG patients often say they don't need suppoiments....but when you remove part of your stomach, you are taking out part of your ability to digest food out of the picture.  You remove your ability to process some b vitamins, and in recent studies ghrelin has been shown to regulate new bone building effots in the it's even more important to make sure your D and calcium levels are good. If anything you should be taking at least a multi, a b complex, and some calcium with D. I hardly ever get sick post op.  Preop I'd sick every week during the op...I had one mild cold for a bout 1 week in the last 2 years. Scott
.Anita R.
on 1/27/08 12:56 am - Stafford, VA
Hi Michele, I'm another one that doesn't get sick anymore...although I do have a scratchy throat as I speak...However, I'm not going to pretend to know what is wrong, but I will tell you that I find myself sick when I am around a lot of crowds as in shopping malls and hospitals...and small children (mine are all grown) so no worries there...yet (til they make me a grand...m..mmmm....I can't even say the word...I am too hot to be a grand...lady)  ;) Seriously, my surgeon put me on that Zicam nose spray before surgery. He said if ever i feel any signs of sickness to spray it...It kept me from getting sick before or on surgery day. (I used to be sick all the time pre-op) I found that it truly does work...Another thing that I LOVE LOVE LOVE is a nose and sinus wash bottle, where you squeeze warm salted water into your sinuses to clean and clear your head. People who do yoga do this everyday to start their day. Oprah's Dr Oz also recommends the "Neti Pot"  another version of the nasal cleansing bottle that I use.  Since I started using it, I have hooked all my friends and family, including my nephew and dad who use it to help with the allergy seasons and both don't even need meds anymore unless the pollen counts are very high.  These are just suggestions for some relief...The nasal cleanser bottle is wonderful (Feels very weird and is not pretty to do in front of other people...hahaha But colds usually incubate in the nose...that you pick up with the germs on your hands. I am an obsessive hand washer...I even carry a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer and wipes in my handbag...I wipe everything down that looks gross or might have kiddie boggie cooties on it....It helps if nothing else... Please only use this post as a "suppliment for relief" and  speak with someone more qualified to find the reason to your constant sickness..okay? okay!  Hope you feel better Anita
MC266 - Michele C.
on 1/27/08 1:16 am - Folsom, CA
Thanks for all of the good ideas. I do take my vitamins and calcium.  I've been thinking of upping C so maybe that will help. I'm going to try the zicam, I think it's zinc which is supposed to be really go to fight colds.  I tried taking zinc pills and I vomited them right away.   I have to be honest the whole idea of putting water in my nose sounds really really yucky.  I was a swimmer as a kid and remember the pain!  But I saw the Oprah with Dr. Oz when re recommended it and the person he had on TV really recommended it.   Maybe I'll make a trip to whole foods today.  Or perhaps rainbow foods, I've heard its great but not as expensive. Thanks for all of your ideas.

on 1/27/08 11:28 pm - Flushing, MI
I am also sick all the time. I am 10 mo. post op and ever since I had surgery I was catching a cold every month like clockwork. Last mo. I was sick for almost 3 weeks, then started to feel better for a couple days, then sick again with another cold. I do have 4 kids under the age of 13, I used to get sick easily before WLS. But atleast it was about every other month. I've posted a question a couple months back on the main message board asking if anyone else gets sick alot after surgery. Everyone told me they never get sick anymore. I thought I was the only one. My labs used to be a little off sometimes, but they don't want to see me back for my labs until my 12 mo. check up which will be in March. Hopes this makes you feel better knowing you are not the only one. Let me know if you ever find out what is causing it, and I will do the same, Good Luck, Dorean 
MC266 - Michele C.
on 1/28/08 10:27 am - Folsom, CA

Thanks for posting and letting me know.   I was beginning to think I was the only one. I sure hope I find the answer soon because this is making me nuts!

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