Hi! New to this board!!!
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Hi Holly... I'm new here too and I have learned SOOOOO much in the last few days...OMIGOD! These people know more about my surgery than I do! FOR REAL!!! I feel like a little kid here, and I have a lot to still learn...but I think I have a lot to offer too; as do you and so pull up a chair and read and post...These people are just awesome..It's so great to see all these people transform into divas, and stud muffins...LOL (I am serious!) I'm another one trying to get back on track and lose a ten pound weight gain. I haven't had too much trouble with much of anything over my last 4 year Post OP...My biggest problem is the fear of gaining and continue gaining. (And taking my vitamins and suppiments...I'm naughty) I'm not going fret over 10 lbs...but I'm also not going to let that 10 lbs grow to 20 and 30 and on...I just cannot go back there. This is the place to be for support. I have a whole new confidence in one week! Good luck and I look forward to seeing your continued progress! So sorry to hear about your mom...hugs Anita