3 yr anniversary - the good, the bad & the ugly
Hey Vickie! Just read your post,,and have to ssay, considering all you have beent hrough , you STILL are a poster child for WLS! You didnt let it defeat you to the point where you said,,forget it!
I am over 2 yrs out, lost 140 but never reached goal. Gained about 10 over the holidays and am struggling to get it off. I did the 5 day test too, and it worked, got the sugar out of my system, stopped the cravings, and made my pouch portion sensitive and sugar sensitive again, eto where I even dump now! I hadnt done that in a while!
Hang in there and keep working it! You can do it! One day at a time,,one minute at a time if necessary! And keep posting,,you have a support group behind you here!
Be blessed!

"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I had my surgery several months before you and loved the way you described being a "wls poster child"! I also had a very "routine" recovery and was very successful! I followed my diet protocol very closely, exercised from the beginning, and lost 140 lbs. in about 10 mo. I was NOT "smug" about my success, but I was proud of myself for doing the very best I could and desperately hoped that the good habits I was forming would stick! (By no means did I ever feel like I could never re-gain; in fact, every time someone posted about "losing ___ lbs. forever," I'd just cringe because I was afraid maybe mine wouldn't be "forever" even though I was doing very well!)
Well, the difference between your re-gaining 30 lbs. and my re-gaining 30 lbs. is that I have not had any of the cir****tantial issues that you have had to deal with! I just very gradually "got stupid"!! I got a little lazy here & there, had no problems w/ dumping from anything, started making more frequent poor food choices, started grazing just a little bit--and eventually A LOT, and the rest is history.
Like you, I am still proud of myself while at the same time am very unhappy with what I have allowed to happen. And like you, I am not giving up and am trying to work hard on it. I have recommitted to the exercise routine I had let lapse over the holidays (actually, through all my re-gaining, I was still pretty regular w/ my exercising, amazingly), and I am trying to do the hard work of cutting out the bad habits and going back to the basics. I've managed to lose about 8 lbs.
This site helps me immensely! I hope to see you here often!
Check out www.5daypouchtest.com and you'll see all the details in the various links.
Hi Vickie...
Thanks for an honest post about your struggles...These are the kinda posts I really like to read because then I know that I'm not as alone as I thought I was. I've been virtually alone my entire weight loss journey...4 years. I had no idea how much I still have to learn that I never learned from my doctor or the support groups that I didn't go to or my nutritionist that I don't see anymore! (My fault)
The last time I went to the doctor, I never got my blood tests done. Now I really hope that I have no reason regret that I didn't take better care of myself, by getting in my labs... I was going thru a struggle with my teenaged son who after having me pull out all my hair (which was already falling out because of the surgery) decides to finally grow up and act like a normal member of society...and is even getting married...that little stinker! I really didn't think I'd be visiting my son at an Army Base...I thought it would be behind glass and bars or even that I'd still have a son today ...so I am blessed and now I need to stop neglecting myself and own up to my bad habits and start taking my vits and mins and drink my proteins (which I hate). No more excuses...
We really have a serious support group here! I love reading the boards...I post if I think I can add something or just give a hug. My husband has been sneaking up behind me to see why I have been spending so much time online...I tell him I'm looking at WLS porn! hahahaha...He doesn't think that's funny...but he cracked a smile today when I repeated it...I think he's afraid I've taken on a cyber romance or doing something naughty...Who knows?
I'm just rambling here...I really just wanted to say that you really have been thru a lot of stuff and I hope you find that extra mile in support...so that you can either live with your gain or lose it...Either way...you are a winner...a "loser winner" <----- compliment!!!!
you look like the rest of us....fabulous dahling...just fabulous!!
Anita <----still doesn't know what she wants to be, if she grows up
Hi Vickie,
I was curious about how the grads where doing so I came to this board to see for myself as you can see I am not even considered a newbie yet .....my surgery is in one week and I am sooooooooooooo happy to have read your story and those of the other grads here. Thank you for sharing. I knew it would be hard , now I have a lead on how hard and I know I must not tarry or stray. Hearing this from you will help me to know what must be done I hope I will be strong enough to stick with what I should. YOU HAVE DONE MARVALOUS and considering your plight I say WOWWWWWWWW to you Vickie ....I believe you will do what you have to ....I will keep you in my prayers and I ask that you will do the same for me. Thank you again
I don't post much. I'm more of a browser. But I had to respond. You and the other WLS grads have been incredible inspirations and support for me even though you don't even know me. I'm a few months into my second year post WLS. I'm at the end of that successful time and heading in that other direction. This is so much more difficult than I expected. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in feeling that I need to get back on track. Thankfully, I only have to come to the OH boards to find the motivation and support to get there.
~~ Judy ~~
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
That's a picture of my youngest grandbaby in my avatar. She is my pre-e-cious.
I want to thank all of you that have responded in such a positive & supportive manner to my 3 year anniversary update! I have been overwhelmed by the love & caring you've sent my way and I just can't thank you enough!!
I truly believe having WLS "buddies" holding my accountable & supporting me when I falter will make the difference in suceeding or failing. Thank you again for your love, concern & support!
Vickie J.
Vickie J.
"Most dreams are lost by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment."