4 yrs Post Op with no wls support or contact
I an over six years post op and I have never had any support locally either. My doctor doesn't do these surgeries anymore and stopped soon after mine, so I've never had that luxury either. I also 'self diagnose' and when I have real troubles, I get my blood work done to see what is wrong. I've had CT scans of all kinds and after all these years I've come to realize that when I eat the wrong things, it shows up in my body and I regret it BIG time! It takes weeks to get the crap out of my system and to feel like a normal person again. Like you, I stay within a certain range and when it creeps up I start eating healthy again. I haven't had the motivation to exercise though. Hopefully it will come back someday. Don't beat yourself up too much about how you are doing everything. Everyone is different and none of us are exactly the same as far as results from this surgery.
If you have a myspace, let me know, as I just started one and I'd love to add you as a friend!
God bless,