4 yrs Post Op with no wls support or contact

.Anita R.
on 1/25/08 2:19 am - Stafford, VA
Hi all you thin and beautiful people... I got a 4 year anniversary email from OH and hadn't even realised it had been four years... I'm a bit of a recluse so I never went to meetings or support groups and have not even been to the doctor in 3 years. I know you are all probably going to yell at me. I'm not a doctor person. My mentality is "If it's not broke, why try to fix it"?.  Anytime I had problems I googled my question and found my own natural remedies/answers.  I only know one other person ( a dear friend, whom I spend some time with he and his wife for dinners) who had the surgery and he doesn't do anything...No supplements at all...Eats what he wants and he's good...Lost his weight...Kept it off 5 years.  He eats all kinds of stuff I would never eat again. And he drinks entirely too much alcohol. I get drunk off a few sips of wine... A glass of wine will have me on the floor...No thanks...I'm done with those teenager years. (My husband calls me a cheap date)  ::rolling eyes:::hehe When I came back here just a few days ago...I was amazed at how little you people still eat. Or maybe I just eat entirely too much...Maybe that's why I am always inbewteen a 10 lbs. gain and loose ritual. Right now I have on my holiday 10 lbs gain...I do it every year...and as soon as summer comes I'm back down the 10 lbs.  Still I worry because my cravings and night time  turn into a frenzied munch attack of the pantry and fridge! I struggle every night to not graze after dinner.  I started the 5 day pouch test today for fun. ( OKay...not for fun, I'm just trying to humor myself and not panic) I forgot how much I hate protein drinks...I'll be good til tonight...I know my late night  munch attacks are gonna kill me tonight...I'm thinking about a warm bath by candlelight and a cup of decafe tea and early to bed...just to avoid the munchies. Wish me luck! I couldn't handle the protein drinks right from the start I had to eat my protein and not drink it. Now I'm not so sure that was a good idea. I lost half my size and kept it off for 3 years. There for a while I weighed exactly the same as I lost. (About 158 lbs) I'm at 168 today.  Not too bad I guess...but sometimes I get bloated and can go over that too...but I don't consider being full of crap as a weight gain...hehehe   Anyway.... I don't really have a question...but I am curious what you people think that i don't take my vitamins or protein drinks or record my caloric intake religiously anymore. I do still take B-12 and Calcium Citrate wafers with an extra vit D supplement.  I heard you absorb more of the calcium with vit D...so I got some good stuff...and sure enough I am constipated, so I know I'm absorbing. I get wicked bad muscle spasms when I work out too hard. Calcium, Potassium and magnesium are the only things that help.  I can't take the calcium every day...I gag on the taste of it if I do the full dosage every single day.(plus the bloating is horrible)...So I make sure that at least once a week I have done a full dose and the rest of the time I use the wafer for a sweet munch attack...I know, I'm so not disciplined.  But I eat very healthy foods and make good choices...I think. I haven't had any trouble...I went to the doctor for my first year and a half check ups and they said I was fantastic...My blood tests were perfect and it all went nice and smooth. I had zero dumping...no pains or worries after the initial healing ...my dad checks my blood now and then (he's diabetic) and I am always perfect. No more diabetes. My hypothyroidism seems fine without the meds...I ran out of my synthroid  some 3 years ago and never went back on....I have had only two colds in 4 years...I used to be sick ALL THE TIME...Now...I feel something coming on and I load up on antioxidants and every color natural food I can eat and my colds die before they start.  My skin tightened up by it's own with lots and lots of skin firming moisturizers...The doc said "Your breasts look fabulous...I went from a 44 DD to a 36 B....I don't have a clue why they don't hang to the floor...Nivea Skin firming lotion religiously and I never ever take off my bra except to bath...I wish my legs were as cooperative. I refuse to have skin surgery...I had the surgery to be healthy...and while I'd like to bounce a quarter off my belly....I can't imagine another scar. I don't mind my RNY scar...It's my battle scar...It's the battle I could not win on my own...I wish I didn't hate doctors so much...I'd probably have a tune up in Brazil or someplace wonderful to heal.  I look at your food intake and I KNOW I eat a whole lot more than you all...minus the protein shakes and hardly any sugar unless it is natural like in fruit...As I said I eat my protein. I eat all day...But the holidays (Thankgiv...Xmas and New Years) is like a giant food party (Italian, pain in the arse...mother)  All she wants to do is feed me. And it's so hard when her table is covered with food from the time you wake til you go to bed. She is impossible!  I can't say no...she gets insulted and cries...UGH!!!  I have taken food and wrapped it up like a little kid who hides peas in his napkin. It's ridiculous..I am 43 years old!  So a month at mom's for the holidays has got to stop...I think I will visit in the summer from now on. I don't care if Florida is hot in the summer...I cannot go during the holidays anymore. Sheesh! When I told her that I gained a little weight at her house...She says "I noticed, you need to watch what you eat honey:::rolling my eyes:::::!!! SO I say But it's your fault mom, you put out too much food and she says "I didn't shove it in your mouth"...Can't win...She's right...If she knew how much stuff I threw away when she wasn't looking...Oh hell to pay!!!  I eat healthy and about the same as my 19 year old 110 lb daughter. I figure if we both eat the same I can't be gaining ...She's a little itty bitty thing and actually eats more than me.  I'm maintaining for the most part. (this holiday excluded) OH lourdes the food I sampled....I cringe just remembering that devilishly delightful nightmare. I think I should make a doc appt...It just the last time I went...My doc who is not my surgeon (I switched back to my military health)  She asks me..."what tests do we need to run?"  :::Sighing::::Now if I knew, I'd be wearing the white coat, yes?  This is why I hate doctors...I have not been back since. If you have any comments...I'd be welcome to any imput...I take criticism fairly well. I 'm a great listener, But I pick and choose advice on my own...I have entirely too much confidence in my own way sometimes I think I could be dangerous to myself  at times. I think I know everything...and if I don't , google does!  :::::Smirking::::  But I know I know...Google doesn't do blood tests... Thanks for letting me vent, if you've read this entirely too long diatribe, I'm sorry...I just had no idea of all the problems some of you have... I think some of you are entirely too obsessive, but who the heck am I to talk? I have read about thing I never even heard of over the last few days and all the different surgeries and post op troubles...I'm just beside myself. Overwhelmed is not even the word.  I started replying to some people with questions and problems and after doing more reading I thought I better shut my fly trap and let all you pros answer the questions because I am soooooo far behind the terminology and all the "STUFF"....OMIGOD!!!  You all made my head spin...Now I feel like a bad parent to my own self.  :::pouting::: Anita
on 1/25/08 2:39 am

I an over six years post op and I have never had any support locally either.  My doctor doesn't do these surgeries anymore and stopped soon after mine, so I've never had that luxury either.  I also 'self diagnose' and when I have real troubles, I get my blood work done to see what is wrong.  I've had CT scans of all kinds and after all these years I've come to realize that when I eat the wrong things, it shows up in my body and I regret it BIG time!  It takes weeks to get the crap out of my system and to feel like a normal person again.  Like you, I stay within a certain range and when it creeps up I start eating healthy again.  I haven't had the motivation to exercise though.  Hopefully it will come back someday.  Don't beat yourself up too much about how you are doing everything.  Everyone is different and none of us are exactly the same as far as results from this surgery. 

If you have a myspace, let me know, as I just started one and I'd love to add you as a friend!

God bless,


Open RNY 8/30/01






.Anita R.
on 1/25/08 3:53 am - Stafford, VA
Robin... Hey you!  I know you and I have been briefly gabbing back and forth privately...but I have to tell you...OMIGOD...you are one hot little vixen! ::: woohoo:::: I loved the photos on your profile. Aren't digital cameras the BOMB!!!!  I could be arrested for some of the photos I have taken! hahaha...Just kidding...I could probably scare small children and young men....and...Oh never mind.... It's so great to feel good and sexy.  Your reply to my post made my day...I was beating myself up. And now I feel hugged...so thanks!  Anita 
on 1/25/08 2:57 am, edited 1/25/08 2:58 am
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on your success.  You sound as if you're doing great.  IMHO, though, having annual bloodwork and being consistent with vitamins isn't being obsessive, it's just being cautious and doing what I can to insure my health.  Many vitamin deficiencies have long-term, irreversible effects....and many times you don't even realize the deficiency until you begin to experience symptoms of it.  Plus, having regular labs drawn can alert you to a potential problem in your diet/vitamin regimen before becomes a real problem.  It seems that many of us require iron supplementation...that's something your labs would tell you.  You can post over on the grads forum for someone to post their annual lab list. As far as eating too much, it seems like your'e doing terrific with maintaining your weight!  I also have an annual 10 lb winter weight gain that I seem to always take off my warm weather season.  It doesn't keep me any warmer!! hehehe.  I eat pretty much, like a normal person, just smaller amounts.  I do protein shakes most days (for breakfast) because I like them, and they're easy.  I don't care for many breakfast foods.  And I've also started the 5DPT today...I do it off and on, never really following it to a "T", but let's see if I can take a couple pounds off and decarb myself some. Even if you don't post, keep visiting the boards.  You will learn alot, you'll be inspired, you'll be shocked, you'll roll your eyes alot, it's just a good place to visit when you have no other support group to go to. Good luck to you!  Julie

.Anita R.
on 1/25/08 3:44 am - Stafford, VA
Thanks for your input Julie...BTW...I'm from East Brusnwick...born and raised Jersey girl too. I don't think that taking your vits and minerals is obsessive at all...I think I am very undisciplined. The thing I find that is obsessive is where people seem to have given up enjoying all foods that have any fat or calories even 4-5 years out...I find it hard to believe that no one seems to admit eating anything that might be even a little bad for them...I taste everything...I just do not eat an entire slice of cheesecake...and most of the time...I don't even want a taste of sweets...I can only handle about 15 grams of sugar per meal...or I will be in severe pain for hours on the floor usually...Then the gas follows and that alone is a "food birthcontrol"...I don't even want to go there no matter how good it tastes for about two minutes.  But I eat a good 4-7 ounces per meal and only an ounce per snack...I dunno if that is bad...I haven't lost any weight in years...but I don't gain either. (sides my winter coat) I fear I will but I never really get to the point that I can't lose it. Many times I just make a all protein and veggies... day of my food and within a few days I'm back on track.  I guess we really are soooooo different all of us. Our bodies have completely different ways of functioning to this surgery.  I just think I wouldn't be getting good nutrition eating so little as most seem to be doing...And maybe that is the difference between taking vitamins and not needing food...I guess I'm a diehard food lover...I feel so wicked...but I know that I do know that I eat healthy stuff so I'm not gonna beat myself up too much. I do have that constant nagging fear of gaining... It can make me quite anxious....It's 2:30 and I had my protein drink :::Shuddering at the thought of two more today...and three glasses of water and I"M FREAKING STARVING!!!! I made my hubby spagetti for lunch and I was all ready for a big ole mouthful...but that would have laid me ut on the floor...but the meat balls smelled so derned good...I gotta make another protein drink before I faint. LOL Thanks for your post!  Much hugs...You look marvelous in your size 6....Mine are waiting in the closet for summer...I could put them on and just not breathe?  naw...Breathing is good... Anita
on 1/25/08 4:02 am
"Food birthcontrol"...hehehehe! I made pasta for my family today, too!...only because pasta is one of the very few things I'm not crazy about eating. They didn't get meatballs, though. I, too, wonder about what people report they eat. I seem to eat much more than most...at least, that's how it seems!  You sound like you're doing really well in making sure you're eating as a post-op should. I would just be wondering if I was, indeed, absorbing all of the nutrients I needed from the amount of food I am eating.  My October labs showed that my iron was headed towards the toilet, and I had a decrease in my calcium level, as well. These had been compared to the labs done the year before. I'd been really sloppy with my supplements for about 15 mos, after my plastic surheries. Somedays I did all of them, other days I did some or none.  When my surgeon said "infusions ahead" re: my iron, I got cared. I'm back to being diligent, had my labs done a few weeks ago, and my levels had come up enough where the dr. was no longer worried, as long as I kept it up.  I am!  I do not want iron infusions.  Best of luck with your remaining days on the pouch test. I have subsisted today on 2 protein shakes (so far), a Stallone Pudding, several cups of decaf tea, a cup of decaf coffee with cream, and a couple cups of broth.  If anything, I'm guaranteed several trips to the potty in the next few hours!!  I made some lentil soup that I'm currently dreaming about, but I'll wait till later to have some.   BTW, I'm in Highland Park...a hop, skip and a jump from EB.  I'm originally from Buffalo, NY but have lived here for 20 yrs! Take care.   Julie

.Anita R.
on 1/25/08 4:06 pm - Stafford, VA
JULIE!!! Okay...okay...I'm calling monday for an appointment.  I'm afraid to ask what an iron infusion is...so I won't :::very afraid now:::: I absolutely hate the taste of iron supps...They taste like bloody metal.  I was taking centrum complete chewables...and I do occasionally (when I need a quick sweet and I can't find anything else)  That's kinda sad...If only vitamins tasted like chocolate kisses....Oh well. I made it thru the first 5 DPT day...And since you copied my spaggetti lunch...I copied your lentil soup...hehehe  I make it a lot... and thanks to you, I dreamt of it all day too!  How did you do? I was pleasantly suprized how the second protein drink sustained me til late.. (I did soy protein with added aminos...I can't handle whey)  No cravings tonight either!  Still I'm hungry for solids :::Dreaming of day 3:::::! My mom is from Italy but she came to the states with her parents when she was 10...and guess where she was raised?  No kidding HP!  Yes! They had an apt  (with 10 kids) above a drycleaners on Raritan Ave. Still have family in Edison and Sayreville too. My dad is from Edison and met my mom at a HP school dance!  Small world... Anita
on 1/25/08 9:39 pm
My day 1 didn't work out as well as yours.  I'm gearing up for Monday....what was I thinking?  My son brought home a box of Wasabi Peas....and it was downhill from there.  Monday, Monday....... I've found iron supps that actually taste good!  Do you have a Vitamin Shoppe near you?  They are "Nature's Plus" brand, high potency chewable iron with vit. C.  They're a raspberry flavor and are not bad at all.  Your description of how iron tastes is the same as mine would be...but these are good! As far as Calcium, I've take the Citrical Creamy bites (taste like candy, and they do come in chocolate!), Bariatric Advantage Calcium, which come in chocolate, cinnamon (my fave) and mint (and I think fruit), or just Nature's Plus Cal/Mag Caps....not hard to take.  I cannot stand Centrum taste, so I found a pineapple chewable at Vitamin World is this kind of gross, but better than Centrum. You don't want infusions....IV iron.  It burns, and it's time-consuming. Your HP connection is kinda cool!  I could probably guess where they lived. Good luck with Day 2 for you!!     Julie

Beam me up Scottie
on 1/25/08 8:58 am
Ok you may or may not want to hear what I have to say, but here it goes....you need to have blood work drawn right away.  The problem with vitamin deficiencies is that you don't "feel" anything...untilt he damage has been done.  Until your organs are failing, your bones have lost their density, your blood count levels have dropped to the point of death......etc.  Many of the symptoms of deficincies are silent....until it's too late.  I can't tell you the number of RNYers and DSers that face nutrional issues because they do not get their labs checked regularly. For the record you should also be having an annual bone density scan.  Yes just because RNYers do not have as much  malabsorbtion as a DSer doesn't mean they don't  have malabsorbtion.  You can get a full list of blood works that should be done on people with malabsorbtion from Vitalady ....(michelle)  or you can go to www.duodenalswitch.com and search for blood work...you'll get general lists of labs that should be run (smae for both RNYers and DSers).   Congratulations on keeping your weight off, but at the same time you don't want to be wheel chair bound or dead by the time you are 60. Scott
.Anita R.
on 1/25/08 2:24 pm - Stafford, VA
Scott, Thanks for your honesty...I need to hear these things because I don't think I was aware how serious it can be to neglect a good yearly check up just because I feel fine. I just really hate going to the doctors office. It's kinda like when I wake up deciding to tackle cleaning out the garage and I have all the good intentions...until I get down there  become overwhelmed and just stare into space until something much better comes along...like spending 5 minutes picking up the dog poo around the yard for punishment for neglecting the garage yet again...I'm weird like that... But I took your advice seriously...Thank you!  It  was a good motivator.  I have been putting it off for too long and I knew it in the back of my mind. I'm not terribly worried about results because I think I really have taken great care in what I eat, considering I don't take all my vitamins suggested. I am very aware of malabsorption and take great care in getting a large variety of vitamins thru my food.  But I will make an appointment first thing next week.  It looks like you too have come a long way and deserve a congrats. Good job!  I read some of your meals and now that's what I am talking about!  Honesty!   Anita
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